What are your bad habits?

Swearing is something I try to do less of, but I can't help. Procrastinating too, I guess that's a popular one amongst everyone.
I have pretty bad OCD, if anyone wants me to I'll post my bedtime routine which I have been following for nearly my whole life, it's petty daym long.

Other than my OCD habits, I guess it's picking my nose and flicking it, doing silent stinking farts then blaming others and burping.
-Cracking my knuckles.
-Biting my lip.
-Bouncing my leg when sitting.

EDIT: Turning caps lock on by accident.
- Lack of manners. It's severely annoying me now.
- Saying I'll do something later and never carrying it out.
- Sleeping for too long. 6pm is a tiny bit much.
- Touching my ears in class, but I'm sure people dismiss that as a "relaxation technique".

I have stopped cracking my fingers a lot more, so I wouldn't even call it a habit now.
Cracking my back and neck and knuckles.
I do that wayyy too much.

Oh yeah, I'm a bit OCD. Not much, but little unimportant things can really bug the **** out of me if something is a bit off.
IE: Emma's sig is really annoying. it looks like it's about to make a 360 degree spin, but it only goes around 180, then starts over again... yeah...
Cracking my back and neck and knuckles.
I do that wayyy too much.

Ah, that comes so natural to me I forgot how often I'm always doing that. :lol: I never do it in public though, I know a few people who get extremely irritated by the noise. I'm sure they aren't the only ones. :lol:
bitting my nails is definitly number 1.
I sleep in to late on weekends is another
Yeah, me too. I always sleep in on weekends.
I also crack my bones too much. My knuckles, neck, back, wrists, arms, shoulders, ankles (probably most frequent), toes. All of that.
I don't see how people can bite their nails...
Mine are really thick, so I would break my teeth. xD
Procrastinating to the extreme, sometimes to the point where the assignment is past the due date.

Picking my nose(not in public though)

Getting road rage whenever I drive home from school