What gets people outta bed?

BrandonMcAuslan said:
Anyway for me its normally that the shakes have taken hold - and I need a pick-me-up glass of vodka or Gin to start the day properly - helps clear your headache for the drive to work!...

Such is the price you pay for having an 50% alcohol diet..!

(Has no-one thought to make jokes about bilogical urges? - must I think of "everything"..?)

PS Is my sig picture working?
...Oh I got one! I get up to smack my hoes and get paid. I then go see my neighbors wife to do the dirty with her...

...Nope. Still isn't funny. Keep trying, it may get funny soon! :ciappa:
Damn I gota get up early tomorrow for some cute guy for what can be called fun
surfinrach90 said:
Oooo had Prinny pulled?
But who would pull a penguin?

....Apart from another penguin!

...I reckon it's Pen-pen from Evangelion...


I reckon, they're gonna have a night on the town!
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Points out "ITS NOT A PENGUIN ITS A PRINNY!" Before Prinny himself does...

(But to me its an evil penguin) :thumbsup:
only thing that gets me up is MONEY, plenty to be made, so i can lavish myself with the wonderful things of the world
What gets me out of bed...Call of Duty 4, spending time with my gf, hanging out with friends, hunger, and well now Christmas shopping.