Wheres the surprise?

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AW crap too much suspense
hayyyyy i just noticed that this is the perfect time to say
"Wake me up when september ends!!!"
im gonna go sleep, actually ill just play MSC
its october 1st... ill go turn my wii on an see if theres a update... (its completely off damnit) EDIT: omg i forgot my mom took my wiimote away... but its on standby now... hoping...
YAY no suprise! woot! Nintendo failed to deliver. (its only september 30th, 1:30PM here, ill give it till midnight before i get pissed off)
Someone should just e-mail nintendo and ask if the September annoncement has already come out. That way we can settle this once and for all...
I'm waiting for the blue light to turn on not patiently at all. Hopefully Nintendo will send a letter to us with the update details.
todd3532 said:
Someone should just e-mail nintendo and ask if the September annoncement has already come out. That way we can settle this once and for all...
You seriously think they would tell you...?
someone pleas send a deathtreat to reggie plizzz I can't I've got school tomorow and can't deal with the police!:ciappa:
i think we got it....take a look at this HERE
look at the bottom where it says Zelda Phantom Hour glass
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