**Who Beat Zelda Thread**

28 Hours get to last temple about 5 hours spent getting on side quests then another 4 for the last temple and consecutive boss fights
62 Hours all collected except the last few poes. Guide only for the bugs and poe and few hearts I couldnt find.
You get a bottle with fairy tears with 20 and with 60 200 rupees none stop so you can use them with the Magic armour and it only took me 24 hrs to complete it
once your completed Zelda it isn't fair that you can't save
dseaver said:
You can't save :p Thats whats supposed to happen

so i just completed the boss again for no reason!!

ok thanks for telling me that, i might of done it again
all heart pieces, all poes, all upgrades, 36:14 with out a guide
(but i used a guide the first time:wink:)
Beat the game with all hearts, poes, bugs, rollgoal minigames, pretty much anything the game has to offer.
Yellow_Wii said:
i just beat zelda! but now im so fu#king pissed off!!!!!!!!!! i ha;f froze at the end screen then went black, didnt give me the chance to save and brang me back to the main zelda screen where you press a + b

i loaded it up and now im just outside the bloody temple where you fight ganadorf

Bit late but sayin it anyway...

I know! I got really pissed off, that i haven't played it since i beat it...:mad5:


It Took me just under 60 hrs (No Guide)
I have 18 hearts
I have all 60 poe souls
I have found all 24 bugs

1 Question how did you all do it so fast???

Especially Ranathis...
BiZZaRe said:
1 Question how did you all do it so fast???

well, as i said the first few times i used a guide, but now ive basically memorized what to do and where to go to get all the upgrades, to get my time under 37 hours. my next goal is to take the 3 heart challenge in under 25 hours. im probably gonna try over spring break.