1v1 brawl league

so how are things here!
I sure would like to brawl with some old friends and with new ones affcourse.

Hey hey, Blue, havn't seen hide nor hair of you in a long while. I'd be happy to Brawl you; whether you're in the league or not. :)

I'll brawl you real quick...im going on now.

Muny... When did you join the league, exactly?

My bad, i thought was this like a random brawl request thread. I'll do my formal app post later. Anyone else care?
@Muny: If you would like to participate in this thread, please read the rules in the first post of the thread and then post the necessary information that we need. :)

@GrimerBoy: We'll need you to post your info again please. We don't have it anymore.
So sorry, again.

I'll add my Wii and Kart in a sec...Brawling as type...:)
Sure I want to do our official

Where were you 5 hours ago, Eddy? :p

Muny said:
My bad, i thought was this like a random brawl request thread. I'll do my formal app post later. Anyone else care?

Ahh, no worries. As long as you're not the typical smiley-spamming newb who drops his FC and disappears forever (which you definatly don't seem to be), it's all good. :p
@Muny: If you would like to participate in this thread, please read the rules in the first post of the thread and then post the necessary information that we need. :)

@GrimerBoy: We'll need you to post your info again please. We don't have it anymore.
Duely noted ;p
Sure I want to do our official

Where were you 5 hours ago, Eddy? :p

Muny said:
My bad, i thought was this like a random brawl request thread. I'll do my formal app post later. Anyone else care?

Ahh, no worries. As long as you're not the typical smiley-spamming newb who drops his FC and disappears forever (which you definatly don't seem to be), it's all good. :p

Nah, i've already met some really cool people here and i like how this place is run, so i think i'll stay awhile. You don't seem so bad yourself ,p
If you guys are still adding...

WiiChat- Muny
Brawl Name- Muny
FC- 3695-6170-3104
Wii Code- 8241-8596-1787-3562
Time Zone- Chicago ><