Black History Month


Dec 15, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Wii Online Code
I remember discussing this somewhere, but I don't remember if it's here. With the crash and everything, and it being February anyway, may as well start it.

I personally think it's a useless month that hurts more than helps. If blacks are equal to everyone else in every way, why do they need their own special month?

I've seen bulletin boards put up around campus of "inventions of black people". Including masking tape and some brands of makeup.

Who gives a flying feck if it was a black person that made masking tape?

Why not just remember who invented the important things like cars and televisions and not worry about what colour they were? Oh right, because they were all white.
Because the majority of ignorant people in the world are white and need to be set straight.
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Set straight about what? That a black person also invented crisps?
Well, if we're going to be fair.. let's add.

Asian History Month
Hispanic History Month
European History Month

I mean, African people shouldn't be the only ones to have their own History Month.. :| 'tis unfair.
I'm pretty sure people know that Europe invented the world. :|
Because the majority of ignorant people in the world are white and need to be set straight.
So what, there are no ignorant black people?

Yes, some people could learn to appreciate this sort of thing a bit more, but we do not need a month dedicated to the subject. If there's a black history month, why is there no white history month? Or months for Asians, Arabs, Native Americans, Polynesians, etc.? I mean, we're all supposed to be equal, so we should all get months, right?
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I saw a survey once where they were talking about minority something or another.

They grouped Hispanics and Blacks together, and Whites and Asians.

I don't understand how we've shaken off our stereotype and they haven't. I think it's because we can speak English...
I agree with Morgan Freeman on the issue.

Because the majority of ignorant people in the world are white and need to be set straight.
I'm pretty sure there are plenty of ignorant black people(and all other races). Otherwise the word "*****" would no longer be in use.
There are definitely ignorant people that are within all "races", not just one. I agree with Morgan Freeman's view on it, the whole thing is just rather unnecessary cause all it does is add more problems to the issue of racism.

I'd say get rid of it, and just have a focus on what everyone has done in history, regardless of the color of their skin.
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Totally agree with Scott. (and Morgan Freeman)

Because the majority of ignorant people in the world are white and need to be set straight.

No no, white people aren't ignorant. Black people are ignorant and need to be taught what's right.

Sounds worse once it's turned around doesn't it?
It shouldn't though, because there are ignorant people from every race, saying otherwise is just supporting racism.

Enjoy your fail.
I think something like a remembrance day for black people would be more suitable. I mean, the month is for remembering important people and events.. a month can get dragged out, and stupid things end up being remembered like the stuff in the OP. With a day, it's simple and respecful and kinda keeps to the point I reckon. Just a day to remember like, slavery and all that stuff.
I think something like a remembrance day for black people would be more suitable. I mean, the month is for remembering important people and events.. a month can get dragged out, and stupid things end up being remembered like the stuff in the OP. With a day, it's simple and respecful and kinda keeps to the point I reckon. Just a day to remember like, slavery and all that stuff.

That makes much more sense. But this has been passed for a reason, and the majority of people think we need it. It's just like something for gay pride, I don't think straight people should have their own day. Pretty much every other day is straight day. Just needs to be recognized, is all.

I'll run away now because none of you agree with me. ;)
The history could still be made aware without the need for a whole Month or Day dedicated to only them. African people weren't the only minorities back in slavery times. Asians, Hispanics, etc were apart of it as well, they had their own important figures that helped the world in many ways, yet they still don't get their own History Month/Day.
Okay, I'm majorly annoyed that there's a Hug a Korean Day and no Hug a White Guy Day.

I'm sure people learn something else that is to do with their curriculum when they're being taught history. I imagine that this is only prominent in younger kids, because I wasn't taught about it in my later school years. Just something to be aware of, no one has to participate in it.

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