by: Deku (original thread poster)
(8-19-11) Will NOT be online due to school, therefor Godninja will be the temporary leader of "AoW" for his hard work and dedication. Congratz Godninja! You have earned it!
(8-26-11) We have officially signed a documentation with the [DE] clan to become official allie clans. A bigger addition to the family!
(8-26-11) Something I originally got from [DE] leader scout except I am adding a lot more to it. We now have clan war groups to keep clan wars fair and fun. Read the New "Clan War Groups" located under the "Ranks" Section for more information on this topic.
BLUE = Added
RED = Deleted
GREEN = Changed
>>>(8-3-11) Weapons rule was deleted
>>>(8-4-11) Hall of Fame was added
>>>(8-5-11) Updates list was added
>>>(8-5-11) All "RANKS" information was changed
>>>(8-5-11) "What this thread is for" was added
>>>(8-5-11) Becoming a member information 1-4 was added
>>>(8-5-11) Contact information was changed
>>>(8-6-11) Contact information update in RED (Important)
>>>(8-19-11) "AoW" members list (NEW MEMBER "PAIN")
>>>(8-19-11) New "AoW" temporary leader, Godninja A.K.A. (AoW)Ninja, Congratz!
>>>(8-26-11) New "BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS" section was added
>>>(8-26-11) New "Clan War Groups" Section was added
>>>(8-26-11) "AoW" members list (NEW MEMBER "HAWK")
>>>(9-4-11) "AoW" members list (NEW MEMBER "RSMorse")
What is the "Art of War"?
First off i would like to say that the "AoW" first started in the game combat arms at The "Art of War" is now an Online clan specifically made for the game Goldeneye for the system Wii. Anybody at and over level 20 can be an automatic member of the "AoW" with the exception of level 19 and under being able to join with a decent amount of skills. We have had many skilled players in the past such as [AoW]Bihaz and [AoW]Karma, Bihaz being a Brigadier Generals rank, also known as "BG" and karma being a General Of The Army Rank, also known as "GOA".
What this thread is for
This thread is basically where "AoW" and future "AoW" members can socialize. Our clan can give you some major tips on loadouts, how to level faster, and strategies to up your game! I will also have a constantly updated members list all the way at the button under my contact info.
Becoming a Member
To become a "AoW" you must:
1) Be at least level 30 to get in automatically.
2) Anybody from levels 1-29 CANNOT join unless you have a good reason on why you should have the opportunity to join the "AoW". Here are some things that can get you in.
-Having an average KDR of at least 1.5 and maintaining that until level 30
-Having an accuracy of at least 10%
3) If you have the needed qualifications just pm or vm me and with your information:
-Friend Code
-Specialty (sniping, shotgun, assault, etc.)
-Reason to join (If your level 1-29)
4) Just a little side note if you do want to join. You DO NOT have to add "AoW" in your online tag but it is recommended so you can represent the "AoW".
As a member of the "AoW" you are to follow 4 rules. These rules are to without a doubt to be followed. After 2 times of breaking a rule (warnings, which will be recorded on the members sections under my contact info)
1)No rage quitting as this frustrates People as they are losing experience they deserve.Finished the game even you get an invite! I am sure your mates will understand.
2)Nobody is aloud to "Noob Tube" meaning using the grenade launcher on the default assault class (The Kallos that you have starting at level one, You can use the loadout but not the grenade launcher). The ONLY time you are aloud to use the grenadier gadget is when you unlock it legitimately by leveling to level 51 or whatever it is.
by: Deku (original thread poster)
(8-19-11) Will NOT be online due to school, therefor Godninja will be the temporary leader of "AoW" for his hard work and dedication. Congratz Godninja! You have earned it!
(8-26-11) We have officially signed a documentation with the [DE] clan to become official allie clans. A bigger addition to the family!
(8-26-11) Something I originally got from [DE] leader scout except I am adding a lot more to it. We now have clan war groups to keep clan wars fair and fun. Read the New "Clan War Groups" located under the "Ranks" Section for more information on this topic.
BLUE = Added
RED = Deleted
GREEN = Changed
>>>(8-3-11) Weapons rule was deleted
>>>(8-4-11) Hall of Fame was added
>>>(8-5-11) Updates list was added
>>>(8-5-11) All "RANKS" information was changed
>>>(8-5-11) "What this thread is for" was added
>>>(8-5-11) Becoming a member information 1-4 was added
>>>(8-5-11) Contact information was changed
>>>(8-6-11) Contact information update in RED (Important)
>>>(8-19-11) "AoW" members list (NEW MEMBER "PAIN")
>>>(8-19-11) New "AoW" temporary leader, Godninja A.K.A. (AoW)Ninja, Congratz!
>>>(8-26-11) New "BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS" section was added
>>>(8-26-11) New "Clan War Groups" Section was added
>>>(8-26-11) "AoW" members list (NEW MEMBER "HAWK")
>>>(9-4-11) "AoW" members list (NEW MEMBER "RSMorse")
What is the "Art of War"?
First off i would like to say that the "AoW" first started in the game combat arms at The "Art of War" is now an Online clan specifically made for the game Goldeneye for the system Wii. Anybody at and over level 20 can be an automatic member of the "AoW" with the exception of level 19 and under being able to join with a decent amount of skills. We have had many skilled players in the past such as [AoW]Bihaz and [AoW]Karma, Bihaz being a Brigadier Generals rank, also known as "BG" and karma being a General Of The Army Rank, also known as "GOA".
What this thread is for
This thread is basically where "AoW" and future "AoW" members can socialize. Our clan can give you some major tips on loadouts, how to level faster, and strategies to up your game! I will also have a constantly updated members list all the way at the button under my contact info.
Becoming a Member
To become a "AoW" you must:
1) Be at least level 30 to get in automatically.
2) Anybody from levels 1-29 CANNOT join unless you have a good reason on why you should have the opportunity to join the "AoW". Here are some things that can get you in.
-Having an average KDR of at least 1.5 and maintaining that until level 30
-Having an accuracy of at least 10%
3) If you have the needed qualifications just pm or vm me and with your information:
-Friend Code
-Specialty (sniping, shotgun, assault, etc.)
-Reason to join (If your level 1-29)
4) Just a little side note if you do want to join. You DO NOT have to add "AoW" in your online tag but it is recommended so you can represent the "AoW".
As a member of the "AoW" you are to follow 4 rules. These rules are to without a doubt to be followed. After 2 times of breaking a rule (warnings, which will be recorded on the members sections under my contact info)
1)No rage quitting as this frustrates People as they are losing experience they deserve.Finished the game even you get an invite! I am sure your mates will understand.
2)Nobody is aloud to "Noob Tube" meaning using the grenade launcher on the default assault class (The Kallos that you have starting at level one, You can use the loadout but not the grenade launcher). The ONLY time you are aloud to use the grenadier gadget is when you unlock it legitimately by leveling to level 51 or whatever it is.
3)Always play fair! This means, no hacks, or anything related to getting access of anything outside of the game (Hacks but not really hacks hacks).
4)Everybody is to be treated fairly and with respect unless otherwise by me. Everyone is to be respected though. this rule applies to all, low or high rank.
Online Communications
Open for Suggestions!
Ranks are probably the most exciting part of this clan! Here is information of Clan Ranks:
My Source for images By the company, Nexon:
GRUNTS (insert "- -" in online clan tag)
Trainee (TRN) Levels 1-4
Private (PVT) Levels 5-9
Sergeant (SGT) Levels 10-14
FIELD OFFICERS (insert "> < or < >" in online clan tag)
Staff Sergeant (SSG) Levels 15-19
Master Sergeant (MSG) Levels 20-24
command Sergeant Major (CSM) Levels 25-29
COMMISSIONED OFFICERS (insert "( )" in online clan tag)
Second Lieutenant (2LT) Levels 30-34
First Lieutenant (1LT) Levels 35-39
Captain (CPT) Levels 40-44
COMMAND OFFICERS (insert "[ ]" in online clan tag)
Major (MAJ) Levels 45-49
Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Level 50
Colonel (COL) Level 51
GENERALS (insert "* *" in online clan tag)
Brigadier General (BG) Level 52
Major General (MG) Level 53
Lieutenant General (LG) Level 54
General (GEN) Level 55
General of the Army (GOA) Level 56
LEADERS (insert "{ }" in online clan tag)
Leader (Only 1) and Co-Leader (Only 3) of the Clan (LOC) Level 1-56
"Ranks" rules
You special clan tag must correspond to your rank class! If not there WILL be consequences!
"Ranks" Explanation on how things work with ranks
Basically ranks are just to show that you are in a rank class. Let us say that a player named [AoW]CoaCoapuffs (LOL) then he would have the right to call himself "Major Coacoapuffs" because of the "[ ]" in his name. Just a little fun thing I put together. Just try your best to follow the clan tag and update as you level up
"Ranks" Everyone's Job
You job as an "AoW" clan member, is to just make nobody is breaking the rules. If they are, immediately inform them they are breaking a rule and send them a link to the rules page.
"Ranks" Everyone’s rights
Everybody has the right to be respected no matter what rank, high or low. If you have something say, say it! Everybody in this clan will be heard of their opinions and suggestions, as long as they are appropriate.
"AoW" Hall Of Fame
Yup, there is a Hal of fame. It is only for the level 56's who have over 1,000,000 xp. being in the fall of fame is a big deal and you should be really proud of yourself if you make it here. A lot of you may think I'm going a bit overboard adding the hall of fame in, but I think that the people that are getting incredible amounts of The "AoW" Good luck to members trying to make it here.
Clan Wars Groups
This will NOT be official until we are at least 25-30 members strong. Nobody has to worry about this under we have the required amount of members which can be very possible by summer time.
Our new clan wars groups are especially for clan wars. These clan wars groups are basically to keep the groups on each team as even as possible keeping the game interesting, fair and fun. This will seem to make more sense to you as members are added to the "AoW" family tree Remember that all clan ranking tags apply and will still be considered! If you have any questions, concerns or comments please leave a friendly post in our official "AoW" thread. Here is the official list of our new clan wars groups:
Group (GREEN)-
Levels 1-20
Group (RED) -
Levels 21-35
Group (BLUE) -
Levels 36-49
Group (PURPLE)-
Levels 50-56
Group (GOLD)-
Levels 56+ w/1,000,000 xp
"Clan Wars Groups" Mixed Groups
If you are going to have a clan war and teams are mixed with different group members with different levels (corrisponding to different groups) simply keep it as close as possible to level Correspondence of the opposing team. Example:
-Level 43 (On opposing team)
-Level 41 (As correspondent)
-Level 22 (On opposing team)
-Level 25 (As correspondent)
Keeping going until your team is set. You CAN play with really uneven teams like level 56 vs. level 34 and etc. but once again this will make it a bit harder on you and your team! Good luck if this is the case!
Contact Info
Will only be online, computer and goldeneye, on weekends due to school, will get to pms, vms or posts on the thread as soon as possible.
Pm (preferred):
Vm (preferred):
Thank you guys for your time and letting me put the AoW clan out there. Just hoping we can get more member. If you have any questions concerns or comments please use my contact info above. I prefer being contacted by PM or VM or this website. I will answer as soon as i can! have a great day!
1."AoW"DeKu (enrolled 7-03-11)
2."AoW"DeatH (enrolled 7-05-11)
3."AoW"Paul (enrolled 7-25-11)
4."AoW"Style (enrolled 8-2-11)
5."AoW"Ninja (enrolled 8-7-11)
6."AoW"Mkfan#20 (enrolled 8-7-11)
7."AoW"Sparky (enrolled 8-7-11)
8."AoW"Pain (enrolled 8-19-11)
9."AoW"HAWK (enrolled 8-23-11)
10. AoW" HAWK (enrolled 9-2-11)
"AoW" Hall of Fame
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