Is sheik a disappointment compared to other characters?


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Jun 9, 2006
The land of Oz
THe question of this forum is the title of this forum - Is sheik a disappointment compared to other characters? As in she's too easy to learn and that's all there is to learn - tilts, smashes, aerials, and only one projectile?!?!?

Sheik doesn't have the steep learning curve that is associated with many characters... Eg Link / ICs

Also, who do you think is the cheapest character to battle against / with ? (IE the character that has the easiest to execute killing move?)
Lots of players are finding ways to defeat Sheik, but I don't consider Sheik a dissapointment, with that many characters it would be amazing if the game was completely balanced.
Do you understand why Sheik would be considered a dissapointment in the first place? That comment (refering to above poster) is has absolutely nothing to do with it. Sheik is not the best, but the fact that newer players can get good with Sheik so quickly while characters like Link take a long time to master is why Sheik would be considered a dissapointment.
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Trickz - you hit it right on the target!

Practising with hard to master characters (fox, link, etc) and then switching to an easy character (sheik) forces you to play on a very simple level and that is where the disappointment comes from. Getting used to the hang of waveshines with Fox is far more challenging than learning how to use Sheik's ftilt into fair combo. Flexibility that comes with mastering harder chars almost completely disappears when switching to a newb character, regardless of tiers or not.

Waveshine = reflector, perfect wavedash, repeat.
Fair = forward aerial
ftilt = tilt joystick then press A so not to cause a smash attack.
perfect wavedash = the longest possible wavedash a character can do without doing an airdodge.
tier = collective agreement between pro players and game analysts on which character is better than the other in terms of skills and strategy, regardless of 'counter picking' characters
Trickz said:
Do you understand why Sheik would be considered a dissapointment in the first place? That comment (refering to above poster) is has absolutely nothing to do with it. Sheik is not the best, but the fact that newer players can get good with Sheik so quickly while characters like Link take a long time to master is why Sheik would be considered a dissapointment.

i have played ssb and ssbm and im a master at ganondorf (new character)
plus i dont like captain falcon.
That is clearly a spam post. Please do not post for the sake of posting, make sure your posts contain some meaning or contribute to the conversation in some way.
Trickz said:
That is clearly a spam post. Please do not post for the sake of posting, make sure your posts contain some meaning or contribute to the conversation in some way.
i agree, but moving back on topic, i think because shiek is so simple, she poses no real threat to the other characters, sheiks moves are simple but they are not very effective at all, so to fully capitilize on shieks abilities it does take just as long as it does to master characters such as link and fox
p.s. i use Link, i'm not biased
roflmfao, you people are still ranting on about shiek... sigh........... move on the game is obviously not balanced.... its a console game what can you do about it? nothing, but start threads like this. Shiek is not that cheap of a chracter but everyone thinks so, I can easily use marth but i prefer shiek because she is a fast charachter (and the closest thing to a ninja in ssbm =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p ) I dont care about tiers or anything as long as i play a chracter i think is cool which is why i play bowser sometimes as well as peach and jiggs) But anyway, people need to move on with this whole shiek thing nobody here is saying anything new.
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No nobody is saying anything new just for the sake of convo like you anime guys like to talk about anime just for the sake of passing time and having a good convo. Its good to hear what other people say on the subject.
Trickz said:
That is clearly a spam post. Please do not post for the sake of posting, make sure your posts contain some meaning or contribute to the conversation in some way.

no it isnt.
because thats my opinion.
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