Project M Discussion Thread

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  • #91
They really are bad

Some don't even know how to recover properly and their approaches are always bad. And they rarely DI.
And on that note, P:M's improved AI does have some problems. Namely, indeed, not bein' programmed to properly recover. An example of this is the Zamus CPU regularly SDs when tryin' to recover with her Side-B tether by tryin' t' tether too late. I presume this is 'cause the tether in P:M is delayed, but the AI wasn't modified t' compliment this change, still usin' the vBrawl timing.
Say, I got the Project M up and running smoothly on my Wii and my goodness; the game set nostalgic waves through my Gamecube controller. In other words, I love it!!!
He feels kinda sturdy though. I'm guessing the guys want him not too fast. He is powerful and heavy hitter which I like.=)

BUT! With couple of practices, I'm sure I'll be better Bowser user. Too bad they didn't add Samus Aran 'cuz, ever since I played the Metroid trilogy, I feel in love the game depth.
Huh, wonder if they are going official....

Pretty, damn good for a demo, though. I was happy playing it, too.:D
Yep, the P:M crew sure know what they're doin'. Ain't nowhere near polished enough t' be outright released yet, but it might as well be Smash 4 far as I'm concerned. It's that good.
Ain't nowhere near polished enough t' be outright released yet...

I know, right? The CPs are completely atrocious at one point and then playing with them for a rave party with 3, they all go after you; regardless if its free for all.

Yeah, it should be almost something similar. Heck, the WiiU disk could up to 100gig if used the dual sides correctly. Nintendo and Namco should at least add all the good stages at this point.
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  • #105
This is how to play a Project M Pit