what do you know about your country?



weither you were born in america or from another country, how much do you really know about where you came from?

all those in america can say they are american like myself but you know your relatives came from another country into the US from elis island.

me, im romanian and austrian with other misc ethnicities but mostly romanian.

so, really how much do you know about where you came from?

this video on youtube that i found tells you alot about romania. we arent as poor as you think believe it or not and we do have some of the most beautiful women (achem!)

ETA- we have a happy graveyard! that explains why i love cemeteries

Well I came from Canada.
Scarborough or Toronto to be exact.
Don't really need to say much about Toronto though other than its not as bad as people say it is, and watching sports there is very fun.
For those of you from the US.

Test Yourself

I got all but 2. One of them was the sate I live in :mad2: The other was New Hampshire. Darn that state. The spelling on some of them took me a while.
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TacosTacos said:
For those of you from the US.

Test Yourself

I got all but 2. One of them was the sate I live in :mad2: The other was New Hampshire. Darn that state. The spelling on some of them took me a while.

that was extremely easy. dont you remember the 50 states song from when you were little? it was in alphabetical order! thats one of the few things i remember the most (besides hot cross buns on a recorder :sick: )
The_Loose_Cannon said:
that was extremely easy. dont you remember the 50 states song from when you were little? it was in alphabetical order! thats one of the few things i remember the most (besides hot cross buns on a recorder :sick: )

OMG, I remember singing that song in kindergarten, I thought that song was SOO cool! LOL!
allright well i live in sourthern ontario
my parents are both acadian
but my mom comes from nova scotia(with a scottish/irish background)
and my dad is french canadian and comes from quebec(with a french background)

but both sides of my family have been here long enough to say i'm 100% canadian(i think)

oh and i live in waterloo, which is like the 4th smartest city in the world
TacosTacos said:
For those of you from the US.

Test Yourself

I got all but 2. One of them was the sate I live in :mad2: The other was New Hampshire. Darn that state. The spelling on some of them took me a while.

I'm from Canada and I tried that test, I only got 15 in 5 minutes. Then I couldn't think of anymore so I exited it.
I live in mars noth of the usa. did not here good thing about there but my parents did it there. i'm not saying anything more
i've from canada as well and never been in the states

i got there though
Alabama, Alaska, California, Florida, New Jersey,
New York, Ohio, Texas, Utah, Washington,

but i got bored and exited 5 minutes in, and i didn't know how to spell wiomi(sp?)
or masatuchess(sp?)
i got em all except connecticut... which i didn't know how to spell at the time. i tried everything but the extra C in there... stupid C.
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CCScandalus said:
i got em all except connecticut... which i didn't know how to spell at the time. i tried everything but the extra C in there... stupid C.

dont feel bad. i spelt all of them right....except for iowa! :sick: i had to ask another member on MSN how to spell it lmao im not kidding i blanked out completely.

i spelt it "ioha" wtf!!!!!

eta- i did it with 7 min left though! :)
The_Loose_Cannon said:
dont feel bad. i spelt all of them right....except for iowa! :sick: i had to ask another member on MSN how to spell it lmao im not kidding i blanked out completely.

i spelt it "ioha" wtf!!!!!

eta- i did it with 7 min left though! :)

lol I could not Spell Sorry for like ever
I used to spell it
Srroy :wtf: :eek:ut: My teacher got so mad at me.

now i cant spell out lol i'm DUNG
And for like 1 week i could not spell The
:yikes: :eek:ut:
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you know guys, im asking about history of your country hehe not ethnicity/heritage lol

DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


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