Holy Crap Did We Get Nuked?

Wow an earthquake in the U.K... Sounds really weird, well everything is seasonal and normal here in Canada. And Nice Wii, you shouldn't hope for a natrual disaster they're not as fun as you might think. Even if it is to do with your school getting destroyed.
We do get a few each year but there so small there kinda hard to notcie
Floydd said:
Did this quake break any of the UK's records for earthquakes Prinny?

I remember our last one big one in 2002
(even where I was and what I was doin)

I heard off my sister that my nepthew thogrt that a mosster was shakein his room

Thank somethin I dont have kids
Due to my evil nature id of said it was just the monster under the ground lookin for kids out at night
Napalmbrain said:
Try moving to California or Japan, that will increase your chances.
Hey wait a sec.....I live in Cali! AHHHH! I'M GONNA FALL IN A CRACK!!!!!!!
Darkprinny said:

I remember our last one big one in 2002
(even where I was and what I was doin)

I heard off my sister that my nepthew thogrt that a mosster was shakein his room

Thank somethin I dont have kids
Due to my evil nature id of said it was just the monster under the ground lookin for kids out at night

Hehe. Well the whole idea of the U.K having quakes is green to me. When I think of earthquakes I automatically think California. I wonder if there have been any big earthquakes in the part of Canada I live in =/
Floydd said:
Hehe. Well the whole idea of the U.K having quakes is green to me. When I think of earthquakes I automatically think California. I wonder if there have been any big earthquakes in the part of Canada I live in =/

Might be
Canadas a bit big
Just look for a fault line
California has one going stragte throgh it