We Need Graphics.

to be perfectly honest im happy enough with wii sports graphics and even games like red steel and zelda twilight princess thats jaw dropping enough for me i dnt need graphics
acphydro said:
I have no problems with the graphics. If I want more I game on my PC. They are an upgrade over the cube. Let us not forget that graphics do not make games. The PS3 and 360 have pretty graphics but to me the Wii has the fun factor. Yes nintendo did not mislead anyone here.

I couldnt agree more, if you want all graphics then buy a PC. If you want fun quirky games with excellent gameply, buy a Wii.
Good graphics don't rely on uber high polygon counts and insanely high res textures. It's all about style.
Shadow of Colossus and Ico are great examples. Low polygon count, jagged edges, yet at times, both are absolutely stunning. Compared to something like Gears of War, they're technically ugly. But while Gears of War is so clear and sharp all the way through, there's nothing that really makes you stop (If you could just stop) and look. SoC and Ico on the other hand do.
It's all about style. Graphics without a great style are simply soulless. Technically beautiful but nothing actually special.
Wii_Are_Family123 said:
i think Wii has great graphics some games better than others, i must say tho what the hell were they thinking when they made GT Pro Series ( looks like a N64 Game)

Nintendo didn't make that game.
CashMoneyGifford said:
super mario galaxy will be out in march 2007

Nintendo has not annouced the release date yet. The closest they've come is to say between March and Christmas. They haven't even announced if that's going to be the final title of the game.
Icuic said:
Good graphics don't rely on uber high polygon counts and insanely high res textures. It's all about style.
Shadow of Colossus and Ico are great examples. Low polygon count, jagged edges, yet at times, both are absolutely stunning. Compared to something like Gears of War, they're technically ugly. But while Gears of War is so clear and sharp all the way through, there's nothing that really makes you stop (If you could just stop) and look. SoC and Ico on the other hand do.
It's all about style. Graphics without a great style are simply soulless. Technically beautiful but nothing actually special.

These are good examples. Red Steel was also trying to create a style as well.

Best instance of this though would have to be
Killer 7
This is the sweetest game ever (besides tp, re4, etc.) Technically horrible graphics though.

This brings up the the GC too. Remember those launch games? Just wait for the devs to push the system.