wii remote jackets!

D S said:
This is stupid. Why are we arguing over something, that Nintendo is giving to us for Free?
I don't really care if they suck, I'm not paying for them, and Nintendo is ncie enough to give something out for free. if this is about the stupid "September Surprise" Then look around, they gave plenty of stuff for the surprise.
-Wi-fi Brawl Confirmed
-Wii Zapper link trianing thing
-Remote jackets
See? Three things, and yet, one bad thing and people complain about it, even though it's Free?

It's just like some of my teachers said "Humans are never satisfied, they always want more then what they have".

For all you know, Nintendo has a good reason, that they can legally not share with us, as to why we got such a "Crappy" surprise. maybe someone at Nintendo got murdered, or died. Stop yelling at Nintendo. They didn't have to make the Wii, they could have shut down.

Thank ou! It is wearying to hear so much complaining about Nintendo and its products. Nintendo dosen't owe anybody anything. They are a buisness, decicated to making money, and to that end, they do whatever it takes to make that money.

From the sales figures, which matter most to this company, they know what they are doing. If anyone dosesn't like what Nintendo is doing or their products, than speak with you wallets. That is the only languege that they understand.