how long do you think youll be a member for?



just like the question asks

some of us have been on this site since day one, others have just joined.

do you think youll be on here for a very long time? do you think youll abandon ship?

me i hope to stay on here for a while.....i think the forum wouldnt know who to turn to if i had left lol. i can almost guarentee eventually down the line with my job ill be on less and less (im still a "rookie" so i have the spare time)

i dont think ill ever stop being a member though. what about you guys?
The_Loose_Cannon said:
just like the question asks

some of us have been on this site since day one, others have just joined.

do you think youll be on here for a very long time? do you think youll abandon ship?

me i hope to stay on here for a while.....i think the forum wouldnt know who to turn to if i had left lol. i can almost guarentee eventually down the line with my job ill be on less and less (im still a "rookie" so i have the spare time)

i dont think ill ever stop being a member though. what about you guys?
I think i'll be on here a long, long time. :cool: Already been here since there were less than 100 members. :) The only other active members who are as old as me are i0n, Mr_Stoukaph and Darkprinny.

In fact, if you notice, Mr_Stoukaph and myself have an underscore in our names because the site used to not allow spaces! :lol: Also, no space between "Dark" and "prinny"...
Technically, and if you'd thought about this at all you'd realize that everyone who joins will continue to be a member until they're either banned or the forum is deleted...
I haven't been on here as long as you guys but I want to stay here as long as possible. Eventually, I may become busy with other things but I will always try and log on just to say hello to the many friends I have made on here.
Byuakuya said:
I haven't been on here as long as you guys but I want to stay here as long as possible. Eventually, I may become busy with other things but I will always try and log on just to say hello to the many friends I have made on here.

I think most of our long time friends will stay. But, some will become like Wiired, he used to be on a ton, but now it's just a few hours a week. :( I think i'm going to be a VERY active member for a VERY long time. What's it worth even being on a site if you don't even get 10,000+ posts anyways. :rolleyes:
Meh, you guys are lucky there is a design thread.

Me being ignored all the time has got me down a little. This whole pokemon thing is pissing me off. The only person who cares about me being here is Tyler anyways....

Ah, I'll stay, but I NEED pm's back. dang you i0n
It year I have college so I may have to focus more on my work compared to this website so I believe you may be seeing me less. Who knows. However I would like to stay a member and post frequently.
Nope, much like Genital Herpes, I'm here to stay.

I didn't like my last forum in the end, cos I was constantly having to defend myself. At least here, it's more of a community thing. People sometimes talk to me without using the words idiot, "you're wrong" or "you have a warped view"...

I don't think the forum would fall apart, just be more spammers and such until i0n instated another no-bull supermod.

*cough*ssbb_lover, look at my join date*cough*...
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Wow, it really depends. I've been on NFSCars since 2002, so I usually have a long lifespan on forums. I bet I'll stay here for a long time but it will be limited becuase school is becoming more challenging and requires more studying. But I'll hang around for a while. :)
Squall7 said:
another no-bull supermod.

like muah? Yeee-ah

Yeah, I might have some dry spells, but I'll come back. I went from 0-500 posts instantly. 500-750 took like 3 months. I've gotten the rest in the past 2 weeks or so :)
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Brawny said:
Meh, you guys are lucky there is a design thread.

Me being ignored all the time has got me down a little. This whole pokemon thing is pissing me off. The only person who cares about me being here is Tyler anyways....

Ah, I'll stay, but I NEED pm's back. dang you i0n

whos ass do i have to kick?!?! who dares to make my brawny...MY SWEET SWEET BRAWNY upset?!?!?!? ill kill em!! :mad5:

seriously i care if you say <3

in any event, right now im the only "no bull" supermod......ive banned atleast 40 some odd people already most are pokemon spammers, dupe accounts, flammers ect.

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