New Mods Please

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a webmaster
Feb 24, 2009
Nothern California
Wii Online Code
there an awful lot a spammers these days & the mods do a great job when there online but frankly there not online as often, i understand people have lives. you need to get more mods to manage the sight or atleast arrange shifts.
What i would do to be a mod...i agree with this. There is only one mod that is fairly active around here..
Yeah me too but we need someone that is on mostly all day

I've been interested, and spoken my case to the admins. Instead of making a thread, just go and inform the admins. They are trying their best guys, just bear with it.

Same BoZ. Just if the admins were active. Just BoZ your the reason we need new Mods.:lol: Just messing with ya.

There is nobody that is on all day at all. If there is, tell me who. Ive been intersted for quiet some time now, just the reason is im getting tired of all the spam..
Yeah me too but we need someone that is on mostly all day

I've been interested, and spoken my case to the admins. Instead of making a thread, just go and inform the admins. They are trying their best guys, just bear with it.

Same BoZ. Just if the admins were active. Just BoZ your the reason we need new Mods.:lol: Just messing with ya.

There is nobody that is on all day at all. If there is, tell me who. Ive been intersted for quiet some time now, just the reason is im getting tired of all the spam..

4nines and dascrow are usually on every day or so. :) i messaged both and they replied back. if you help around the place, you have a good chance of getting mod. :)
I've been interested, and spoken my case to the admins. Instead of making a thread, just go and inform the admins. They are trying their best guys, just bear with it.

Same BoZ. Just if the admins were active. Just BoZ your the reason we need new Mods.:lol: Just messing with ya.

There is nobody that is on all day at all. If there is, tell me who. Ive been intersted for quiet some time now, just the reason is im getting tired of all the spam..

4nines and dascrow are usually on every day or so. :) i messaged both and they replied back. if you help around the place, you have a good chance of getting mod. :)

Yeah...i miss the Admin himself..he was real G. But, its ok. Ill be in tip-top shape for when the day comes. Good luck.
Same BoZ. Just if the admins were active. Just BoZ your the reason we need new Mods.:lol: Just messing with ya.

There is nobody that is on all day at all. If there is, tell me who. Ive been intersted for quiet some time now, just the reason is im getting tired of all the spam..

4nines and dascrow are usually on every day or so. :) i messaged both and they replied back. if you help around the place, you have a good chance of getting mod. :)

Yeah...i miss the Admin himself..he was real G. But, its ok. Ill be in tip-top shape for when the day comes. Good luck.

Same to you. in fact, im going to start being mod-like, and if you do the same, together, we can be the future mods of wiichat! I'll have foxy teach me the magical ways, and napalmbrain, fox, or the other mods, that are awesome, can teach you the ways. We will make them so proud. :')
Pro tip
Noobs can be ignored with the ignore member thing
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