The Alternate Plot

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Tyre looked at the other Pokemon around him-- Dayna, the Togepi he had just met, Jet, a Squirtle, and a loner-- it was a Slakoth named Storm. They seemed to be interested in what he and Dayna were doing, so he let them into the conversation. "We're trying to build a fire. It would be easier if that Charmander--" he motioned to a sleeping Charmander in the corner, by the edge of the beach-- "was awake, as he certainly knows a fire type attack. It would also be great if either Dayna or myself knew fire attacks via TM, but I don't think either of us do. I know I don't."

He paused for a moment to catch his breath from talking so much, then continued. "Anyways, we should build this fire so we can have a meeting around it and avoid mosquitoes. We'll need to form some sort of plan to attack Zigaram, and sitting around a fire is a great way for the meeting. We don't have any fire attacks at our arsenal right now, so we'll have to make a fire the hard way. Storm and Jet, could you guys go search for some kindling in the forest? I can't because I don't have arms until I evolve."

He turned to Dayna. "Looks like we can't do much yet. I'm going to search for some flint in the forest, and I can scratch it with my horn to create a flame once they're done. Do you have a plan?"


P.S how do you put your sprite in a reply?

I would explain it to you, but I can't because my computer's being weird... I've written out a tutorial three times, but it's rejected my post every time. Could someone else explain it?

Ooc: Storm you gotta put the little pokemon icons on your posts.

Just reposting this because BRizer is correct, Storm. You need to always post that icon for your posts. To add to that, you also need to say which post out of 7 it is for the day.
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Storm 1/7


Why are they so accepting of me....and who is this "Zigaram"???... he thought. "Sounds good," said Storm, yawning as he woke up and stretched his long arms. "Come on, Jet, let's go find wood was it? Yea, yea thats it. And who knows what else we'll find, I know these forests like the back of my hand."

Ooc: I dont know how to sprite them though.
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OOC: First post out of seven posts of the day.





Dayna blinked as Tyre sent orders and suggestions to all of the pokemon that had suddenly appeared around them. She obviously didn't listen to any of those orders, since it had nothing to with her. Yeah, she liked, fire, herself, lava, and all those other things that are hot and warm people up. But, of course, she wasn't a Fire-type, and therefore had no idea how to create such magnificent things. Except for herself. She could easily look into a mirror if that need arose.

"Do you have any plans?" asked Tyre, and Dayna simply rose one eyebrow and shrugged.

"I'm a creative egg. I'm sure I can hatch something up," she said, attempting to keep a straight face at the particularly lame joke that escaped her mouth. Eventually, she started to giggle uncontrollably.

She managed to spit out, "I crack myself up, sometimes."

She heard crickets chirping in the background.


As Solar looked around the camp, he felt as if this was not the place for him. He just wanted to live a peaceful life, free of battling and ruling over a village. The camp began to appear more peaceful with its scenic waterfall and lush pastures so Solar explored it deeper. He stumbled upon a group of Pokemon who looked like they were planning something. Solar thought twice about disturbing their meeting and decided against it. Curiosity smacked him so he felt the urge to spy. There were a group of trees nearby filled with Oran berries. Using his tree climbing skills he learned back in his village, he swiftly hopped from branch to branch and hid high within the canopy. Hoping he would not be seen, Solar grabbed an Oran berry and watched the events unfold below him.

Ooc: 1/7


Jet woke to find everyone already up. So much for sleeping in. Jet listened in as Tyre gave out orders to start a fire. He followed Storm into the forest and said, "We need to find dry wood, and some dried out leaves also. They will light the fastest and burn the brightest." Jet personally was infavor of just waiting until Hako the Charmander woke up, but the others seemed to be in a hurry.

After a few minutes Jet found some logs that would be ideal for firewood. He grabbed the heavy logs, knowing that he was stronger then Storm and let Storm carry the lighter ones and the leaves that would be needed to start the fire. One their was back Jet broke the silence and asked, "So, where are you from?"

He walked into camp carring the wood over his shoulder, and sat them on the ground. Jet stacked a bundle of leaves on the ground and held one of the logs next to it at a 45 degree angle, "Here Tyre, try to get a spark to land on the leaves." Jet hoped it wouldn't take too long, the last time he tried to start a fire like this at home in his village, it took him almost an hour.


ooc; To post the picture of your pokemon you have to right click it, click copy image location and then click the picture button(image tags) when you reply and paste it there.

Solar watched as the Pokemon dispersed throughout the forest.

"Oh dear, they seem to be getting closer. I have to stay extremely quiet if I want to stay hidden." he said.

Solar practically ate the whole tree of Oran berries as he spied on the Pokemon, carelessly throwing the cores to the ground below him.

Ooc: 2/7
Storm watched as Jet tried to make a fire. Then, something cracked him in the head. He looked up, and another one hit him. They kept coming. He caught one, and realized it was a fruit core. He looked up towards the tree, and saw a Bulbasaur perched high up, throwing fruit cores down, and staring directly at the camp.

"Grrr..." Storm growled under his breath. He walked over to Jet and scraped the wood very quickly, over and over, until it finally sparked. The fire started up nicely. He leaned toward Jet's ear, "We have made the fire, and it seems we have made a spy...Look in the tree behind me."


Jet began to stack up some small sticks into a pyramid and used the leaves that were already burning to light them ablaze. He continued to add on bigger logs until a large fire burned. Jet looked toward the tree careful to hide his eyes and said softly, "Ok, follow me Storm."

Jet walked back into the forest and stood at the base of the tree. From here he could tell it was a Bulbasaur. Bulbasaurs were farly common and Jet had never meet one with bad intentions, but the fact that this one was spying on them was worrying. Jet tossed a core into the branches above and asked, "Hey, watcha doing up there?"

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Storm unshethed his claws as he and Jet looked at the spy. "Shall i dice him?"

"No, we need to question him first." The bulbasore spy was sitting high up on a fairly small branch. The tree itself wasn't very tall it was on the edge of the forest, and pretty young. "Could you climb up there and cut the branch he's sitting on?" Jet figured he could, if a bulbasaur could get up there, a Slakoth certiantly could.

Jet positioned himself under the balbasore to help break his fall.

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Storm 4/7


"No problem." he said, feeling sure of himself.

He shimmied up the tree very quickly, and looked at the Bulbasaur's back. "Slash!" he yelled as he sliced and the branch dropped.

Solar was munching on another Oran berry when he heard a scratching noise below.

"Hmm.. It looks like I've been spotted."

Solar looks at the world below only to meet a berry core flying extremely fast toward him. WAM. It is a good thing Solar learn how to control his vine whip, or else that core would have knock him straight to the ground.

"Hey, watcha doing up there?" shouted Jet.

Solar was too afraid to answer. He tried to escape the other way only to see a Slakoth right in front of him. "Slash!" the Slakoth yelled as he sliced the tree branch Solar was hanging on, sending him tumbling to the ground.

"Help me!" Solar frantically screamed.


Jet positioned himself under the bulbasaur and crouched down, pointing his tail up. Jet focused and held his position for a few seconds before pushing up in the air. A twisting tower of water erupted from Jet's tail, catching the bulbasaur and droping him softly to the ground. "Now, who are you and why are you spying on us?"



Raine continued following Tyre as the ryhorn yelled orders over him. "Why is everybody so relaxed! We're on the brink of destruction from Zigaram, why are we surfing and making jokes!?" He looked at Tyre, exasperated, hoping someone would listen to him. "It just doesn't make sense!" His voice bobbed up and down, changing pitch.

Silence fell upon the forest.

"I'm terribly sorry. You see, I am not a bad Bulbasaur. My name is Solar and I am from the Leaf Village. The rebels' camp intrigued me but I was too scared to join. I decided to check it out first. There aren't many friendly Pokemon out in the world anymore. I hope you understand."

Solar makes a puppy dog face and extends one of his vine whips, offering a handshake. "Friends?" Solar says as he smiles.
