WiiChat's First Annual Confederate States' Convention


An Instant Classic
Apr 4, 2007
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God, when I start making threads you know this place is looking bad.

So, lookey here, I called ya'll out. The two of you (redneck E and... somebody else whom I cannot find a name for. Pardon me, but I honestly don't differentiate between the two of you), in my opinion, should explain your support for the Confederacy. If it's for something somewhat justifiable like states' rights, regardless of the fact that that's what ruined your "country," then good for you. If it's for something less reasonable then I'll enjoy the inevitable flaming that will surely ensue. I sincerely hope that both of the aforementioned (or one of the aforementioned, and one of the couldn't-remember-his-name-but-you-too) find this thread easily enough.

Let the games begin.
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dood itz not becuz i want slavery 0r n e thing racial liek dat... i dont. im complletely against slavery nd **** like dat, its messed up.

i only supp0rt my confederate heritage becuz im proud to be a southerner nd i hve confederate blood in my family. just proud to support it nd if it did rise agin id be with it in full supp0rt.
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I see this being in vain, but I'll give my two cents anyway.

You can support the South without supporting the Confederacy. If you don't know much about the events leading up to the Civil War or the goals of the Confederacy as a country then that's what I would suggest doing. That's what I would do, anyway. You can support a future Southern uprising without supporting past ones, especially when many past goals of Southerners aren't applicable to modern politics—or, in the case of some of their endeavors, politics of the 1860s. It's just that the Confederate flag has been deformed by the media and has lost any meaning beyond slavery. So, I get that you're trying to make a statement, but I would guess that a lot of people wouldn't think twice about labeling you as a racist.

Again, just my thoughts. Southerners =/= Confederates
i c where ur coming from but i support my confederate heritage nd wut they were fighting 4, their own nation to differentiate from da union. im also not such a big phan of pres. obama. you know wut he want to do in august? lmme tell u in normal text (i bet ull be happy 4 dis) :)

Obama wants the healthcare bill on his desk before summer recess. The healthcare plan will make 119 Million Americans have to switch from a private run healthcare system that is the best in the world which most of you in this forum have, to a a universal one payer system (the government). This is estimated to cost over 10 TRILLION dollars (10,000,000,000,000) over the next 8 years if passed. Britian and Canada both have this system and it is not hard to see that it is a disaster over there. Thousands of people a year die because of it due to the shortage of medication and the lack of care by the government. Both countries are in massive debt and their citizens and taxed about 50% of their paycheck just to support the system.

so u no wut i mean d00d, i knew **** liek dat cud and wud happen wit obama.
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...Are you seriously typing like that on purpose?

And I don't appreciate being labeled. I haven't taken a stance on health care, as I don't really know enough about the issue to do so, but I generally believe that the government should be trying to fix the problems that they've created before taking on more responsibilities.

"Britian and Canada both have this system and it is not hard to see that it is a disaster over there."

And I quite like the positions that both of these countries are in.
Obama wants the healthcare bill on his desk before summer recess. The healthcare plan will make 119 Million Americans have to switch from a private run healthcare system that is the best in the world which most of you in this forum have, to a a universal one payer system (the government). This is estimated to cost over 10 TRILLION dollars (10,000,000,000,000) over the next 8 years if passed. Britian and Canada both have this system and it is not hard to see that it is a disaster over there. Thousands of people a year die because of it due to the shortage of medication and the lack of care by the government. Both countries are in massive debt and their citizens and taxed about 50% of their paycheck just to support the system.
I don't know who you copy-pasted that off (or if you're just making it up), and due to my classical liberal ideals I'm kind of sympathetic to the position, but that's a load of crap. Firstly, the national insurance tax in the UK is at 11-12% (depending on earnings), nowhere near 50%. Secondly, while the NHS has its problems, it's not nearly as inadequate as you make it out to be. And thirdly, how the f*** could a health care system cost 10 trillion dollars over 8 years? Do they plan to pave the floors with gold or something?
I don't know who you copy-pasted that off (or if you're just making it up), and due to my classical liberal ideals I'm kind of sympathetic to the position, but that's a load of crap. Firstly, the national insurance tax in the UK is at 11-12% (depending on earnings), nowhere near 50%. Secondly, while the NHS has its problems, it's not nearly as inadequate as you make it out to be. And thirdly, how the f*** could a health care system cost 10 trillion dollars over 8 years? Do they plan to pave the floors with gold or something?
I was about to call him out on the copy and paste too. :lol:
i c where ur coming from but i support my confederate heritage nd wut they were fighting 4, their own nation to differentiate from da union. im also not such a big phan of pres. obama. you know wut he want to do in august? lmme tell u in normal text (i bet ull be happy 4 dis) :)

Obama wants the healthcare bill on his desk before summer recess. The healthcare plan will make 119 Million Americans have to switch from a private run healthcare system that is the best in the world which most of you in this forum have, to a a universal one payer system (the government). This is estimated to cost over 10 TRILLION dollars (10,000,000,000,000) over the next 8 years if passed. Britian and Canada both have this system and it is not hard to see that it is a disaster over there. Thousands of people a year die because of it due to the shortage of medication and the lack of care by the government. Both countries are in massive debt and their citizens and taxed about 50% of their paycheck just to support the system.

so u no wut i mean d00d, i knew **** liek dat cud and wud happen wit obama.
For the fucking love of god, please type normally.
Obama wants the healthcare bill on his desk before summer recess. The healthcare plan will make 119 Million Americans have to switch from a private run healthcare system that is the best in the world which most of you in this forum have, to a a universal one payer system (the government). This is estimated to cost over 10 TRILLION dollars (10,000,000,000,000) over the next 8 years if passed. Britian and Canada both have this system and it is not hard to see that it is a disaster over there

Hahahahahaha. You really don't know anything, do you?
For the love of God, the NHS isn't terrible at all. Hardly ANYONE is complaining about it in the country. Yanks, you don't know how it works.
For the love of God, the NHS isn't terrible at all. Hardly ANYONE is complaining about it in the country. Yanks, you don't know how it works.

Why would anyone complain about getting free ****? It's easy for you to have a deaf ear on it when you're not the one paying for it. How about that hour and a half wait in the dentist even though you had an appointment...

Plus, your doctors get paid crap. No one wants to go to school for 8 years to make a piddly salary, and your medical school enrollment records show it. Same is happening in Canada too.

As for the confederacy, I support the ideals of states having more rights than what they are given. The reach of the current national government is far greater than any of the founding fathers intended. They're spinning like a lathe in their graves over any such thing as universal healthcare.
Why would anyone complain about getting free ****? It's easy for you to have a deaf ear on it when you're not the one paying for it. How about that hour and a half wait in the dentist even though you had an appointment...

Plus, your doctors get paid crap. No one wants to go to school for 8 years to make a piddly salary, and your medical school enrollment records show it. Same is happening in Canada too.

The world you're making up is the one where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We're a small country, so we can easily distribute things amongst other people. Health care is a right, not something that you have to pay for. If someone's poor they should get treatment befooore the emergency room. It'll save you a bunch of money there. I do pay for it, I pay for it with everything I buy, as does everyone else.

A dentist appointment isn't set in stone. That isn't when you're going to get seen to. It's not like I was going to drop down and die if I was going to wait another hour. I don't usually have to wait more than an hour. You guys are just impatient. For the record, a lot of people do pay for their dentistry. Smokers also pay MORE for their dentistry. We're not thick. You can only get pretty much everything free if you're old, a child or seriously ill.

How do you know what doctors get paid? I'm pretty sure there are still people who want to be doctors in this country.
The world you're making up is the one where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We're a small country, so we can easily distribute things amongst other people. Health care is a right, not something that you have to pay for. If someone's poor they should get treatment befooore the emergency room. It'll save you a bunch of money there. I do pay for it, I pay for it with everything I buy, as does everyone else.

A dentist appointment isn't set in stone. That isn't when you're going to get seen to. It's not like I was going to drop down and die if I was going to wait another hour. I don't usually have to wait more than an hour. You guys are just impatient. For the record, a lot of people do pay for their dentistry. Smokers also pay MORE for their dentistry. We're not thick. You can only get pretty much everything free if you're old, a child or seriously ill.

How do you know what doctors get paid? I'm pretty sure there are still people who want to be doctors in this country.

I support a graduated taxing scheme, so the rich do pay more. Also, they're rich for a reason, they make smart business decisions. Way too many poor people are poor because they're lazy and are fine with mooching off the system, which it wasn't intended to support.

I'd rather not spend a pound thirty on a double cheeseburger that I can get in America for ninety-nine cents to pay for Jack's teeth whitening. People can get freaking boob-jobs on the NHS if it'll make them less depressed. How much of a crockpot is that!?

Being poor in a capitalist insurance method doesn't mean you don't get treatment, it's not like we turn you away. It just prevents people from going to the doctor for every little thing and wasting everyone's money.

The only reason you're fine with waiting is because you're used to it. I make an appointment, and I'm there at that time, and I go in at that time. That's the whole point of an appointment! Hell, I could walk-in to a dentist here and still be in earlier than an hour.

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