No ps3's in stock, but plenty of wiis

The night/day after waiting in line for my Wii I went to C.C for some controllers and was offered a Ps3 as soon as I walked in the door. I said no thanks as did 3 other ppl behind me. I have also been offered at B.B and Ebgames. But after the last big shipment of the wii round X-mas there hasnt been any here.
Ruman said:
And that was just insulting, even though it was probably the point. Still hurtful to anyone who likes the wii.
yup it was harsh, but i could care less about the whiplash i get from fanboys
Sovieto said:
yup it was harsh, but i could care less about the whiplash i get from fanboys

You better not be referring to me, because it would give me incentive to call you a dumbass.
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What's wrong with you Sovieto?

All three systems are great systems. Why are you hating Nintendo Fanbois? Are you a 'Nintendo-hater' fanboi? seems like it.

There is nothing wrong with the Wii. All consoles bow to a PC. All the consoles are equal, with the PC on top.
Sovieto has allways hated ninendo fans... what id like to know is how he found out bout this place.. this is not
To answer both you, I hate fanboys in general. Expescially ones that use stupid jokes I've heard in Elementary School.
Sovieto said:
To answer both you, I hate fanboys in general. Expescially ones that use stupid jokes I've heard in Elementary School.
well, u sure like to dis on nintendo
and i have a spoiler as well
Your Sig is Bowser... which is NINTENDO!
climbatiz said:
well, u sure like to dis on nintendo
and i have a spoiler as well
Your Sig is Bowser... which is NINTENDO!
i dont like to dis ninty, i would love for more examples besides that one

and im quite aware my sig is bowser...
To answer both you, I hate fanboys in general. Expescially ones that use stupid jokes I've heard in Elementary School.

Sovieto, you are a fanboy yourself. You are dedicating too much time insulting other fanboys. Which means that you like to insult fanboys, meaning you are a 'fanboi hater' fanboi. If you didn't say anything, then you would not be a fanboi.
COLDshiver said:
Sovieto, you are a fanboy yourself. You are dedicating too much time insulting other fanboys. Which means that you like to insult fanboys, meaning you are a 'fanboi hater' fanboi. If you didn't say anything, then you would not be a fanboi.
i dont dedicate my time to insulting fanboys, they insult something so i do what i can to make them cry, its fun
and saying im a "fanboy hater" fanboy is just a poor excuse for a comeback (nothing personal)
COLDshiver said:
What's wrong with you Sovieto?

All three systems are great systems. Why are you hating Nintendo Fanbois? Are you a 'Nintendo-hater' fanboi? seems like it.

There is nothing wrong with the Wii. All consoles bow to a PC. All the consoles are equal, with the PC on top.

dude, if you can't even spell fanBOY, don't go calling people fan"bois", especially if they're not, like Sovieto. And you're obviously a PC fanboy, so I wouldn't be talking, fan"boi".
This thread is still active? I can see it made no progress since my last comment.