Ps3`s of plenty at my store

Don't bother arguing with this guy. He has his head up his ass so high that it's not going to be possible to yank it out. BTW, can you tell me where you live because the Wiis in my area are selling out as soon as they hit the shelves?.

Anyone who says that a 21 year old should not be playing the Wii on a regular basis is an insecure fanboy trying to justify his disappointment by trashing the Wii. There are some pretty mature games coming for the Wii.
I live in michigan. Not insecure about my ps3 purchase. I am insecure about my wii purchase though. I cant really see it anymore from all the dust thats collected on it, so its not that big of a deal. I guess my head is far up my ass from realizing how crappy the games are for the wii. I guess I dont enjoy cartoonish style games that are marketed towards kids.
Wii&Ps3 said:
I live in michigan. Not insecure about my ps3 purchase. I am insecure about my wii purchase though. I cant really see it anymore from all the dust thats collected on it, so its not that big of a deal. I guess my head is far up my ass from realizing how crappy the games are for the wii. I guess I dont enjoy cartoonish style games that are marketed towards kids.

Damn, Michigan is too far.

You just your head up your ass enough to not be able to discern the more "mature" games from the "kiddy". It would be like someone complaining that the PS2 gets nothing but crap because most games are crap.
Wii&Ps3 said:
I live in michigan. Not insecure about my ps3 purchase. I am insecure about my wii purchase though. I cant really see it anymore from all the dust thats collected on it, so its not that big of a deal. I guess my head is far up my ass from realizing how crappy the games are for the wii. I guess I dont enjoy cartoonish style games that are marketed towards kids.

Feel free to refute my post anytime you like. I actually have a valid point of reference being a software developer with a few friends in the game industry like EA. Btw, working in the game industry is CRAZY!!! I would never jump into that ship, yikes.
Hey Wii&PS3 I just wanted to know how much are these checks you get from sony? Seriously you are just trolling. If you were a true to the fan boy image you are trying so hard to display then you wouldn't dare touch another system other than your beloved ps3.
The basis of the wii's appeal was the new direction of the interface, and the backlog of retro games from the past. These features are what have drawn so many people to the wii. Also the price tag doesn't hurt.

The wii doesn't offer any new or splendid gimmicks with the package but they do offer an entertaining experience for me at least. The ps3 as with the ps2 from what I can see will focus of the young teenage male demographic. Tons of bloody violent shooters, seamless racing games, and recycled rpg's are what I have come to expect from sony since that is what sells.
The blue-ray format is not that impressive. It's rival the HD-DVD is equally decent at storing data. perhaps the blue-ray can hold more data but wasn't that the same thing with the beta tapes? weren't they superior in picture quality? what ever happened to them? They failed. This is a very costly move by sony. They are hoping to make up for the loss from the ps3 production costs with blue ray sales.
I'm still happy with my ancient dvd+/-RW drive. It took years for the VHS to phase out completely, and I don't plan on trading up when I can get games of equal to better quality on a regular DVD for a fraction of the price.
As for the 'Cell" processor, well. The ps2 had a weaker processor than the GC and the xbox, but it won the last war. Why? Games. not gimmicks, not add-ons, just games. The wii has a large amunt of buzz right now, and this is companies as well as consumers. Yes we know Oblivion can't be handled on the wii, but that is only concerning games with high definition graphics. The coding for the wii is not that much different than that of the GC so the developers would have an easier time writing games for the wii than the ps3. Granted they may not look as nice, but wasn't that how son won last time? sheer volumes of titles ranging from absolute crap to killer app?
Many of the companies don't care what system they produce for since many of them are small and still trying to make names for themselves. so that being said if they go for the system with the largest demographic they will reach a larger audience thus making their chances of becoming a household brand name higher.
The ps3 has potential for greatness, that is a fact. But as of right now very little of that potential has been realized. Once it has I'm sure Microsoft and Nintendo will have their own systems that use equally impressive technology.
Wii&Ps3 said:
I live in michigan. Not insecure about my ps3 purchase. I am insecure about my wii purchase though. I cant really see it anymore from all the dust thats collected on it, so its not that big of a deal. I guess my head is far up my ass from realizing how crappy the games are for the wii. I guess I dont enjoy cartoonish style games that are marketed towards kids.

heh heh, where in Michigan?

you have no life and prolly never even been remotely close to a girl, you cant even spell laid right :lol:
Wii&Ps3 said:
I live in michigan. Not insecure about my ps3 purchase. I am insecure about my wii purchase though. I cant really see it anymore from all the dust thats collected on it, so its not that big of a deal. I guess my head is far up my ass from realizing how crappy the games are for the wii. I guess I dont enjoy cartoonish style games that are marketed towards kids.

Ummm ... first off when have you seen a commercial with 10 year olds playing wii. The fact of the matter is, you cannot sell millions of consoles with marketing to kids.

Nintendo has stated that they are marketing the Wii to EVERYONE ... really. Just look at the Mii's commercial where the workers are making a Mii of their boss .... its ment to be fun for everyone.

I'm sorry not everything that comes out of nintendo is blood guts and aliens ... personally i think you have really lost touch with the idea of gaming in general. Its not about ... killing things ... its about the experience. I mean sure, the PS3 is a technically superior console ... yes, anyone with a brain wouldn't say otherwise. And yes, I'm sure there will be some games out soon that will be just killer when it comes to graphics. (The Wiimote and Nunchuk is superior to sixaxis however ... thats pretty obvious). I fine the Wii's graphics to be just fine ... you may not but thats your choice. If graphics is what you are going for ... get a PS3. If you want something that you can just pick up and have a lot of fun no matter if you are a gamer or not ... get a wii lol.

I love my wii because I feel more immersed into the game experience ... I'm actually doing something and not just pushing buttons. I mean really ... a fully 3D motion sensitive controller; what a totally revolutionary idea. I can invite friends over and we can have fun for hours playing just wii sports. I have been nothing but impressed with the Wii and the experience that comes along with it.

If you don't like it ... your don't like. Personally I just don't see anything wrong with a console that everyone except sony fanboys just seem to love. At least 360 kids appreciate it :lol:
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all these threads are wars. u guys should see the one on the "have you sold you wii yet" thread. that one is hilarious!!!!!!!
wiihbanga said:
all these threads are wars. u guys should see the one on the "have you sold you wii yet" thread. that one is hilarious!!!!!!!

Not wars. More like giant piles of mentally disabled children who, like mindless zombies, attack anything or anyone that has 1 good thing to say about Sony.

Fanboys resort to saying dumb stuff like "i bet you never got laid, or your just a nerd" like Jeff up there... the 15 year old wonderboy. I could be like him and say the closest thing hes gotten to touching a woman is his wheel mouse, but i wont. he probably wouldnt get it anyway.

The real fact of the matter is this is all subjective. Fanboys dont understand the meaning of subjective. If the wii out sells the ps3, it does not make it a better system. period. Is the wii a cheaper system. Yes. Does the PS3 have more expensive hardware inside. Yes. I fail to see why these kids are pissing their pants. Which system is more fun? Thats subjective as it depends on the user. They cant say the wii is better in this sense, nor can anyone say that the PS3 is. They refuse to accept this, which is where the mental disabilties come into play.

It is a fact hardware wise the PS3 is the most superior system on the market. They need to learn to accept facts, not their own disallusions. It is a fact the Wii is the cheapest family friendly console on the market. It is a fact the XBOX360 is the most solid and 3rd party developer friendly system on the market.

It is a fact the wii has a new remote/controller thats different than the rest. It is a fact the PS3 has blue ray and can hold over 10x more than the average wii and 360 game. It is a fact the 360 has the most advanced online console functon. (xbox live) (actually in truth, the xbox really doesnt have anything really amazing as far as a solid system with solid games. Thats about it.)

Fanboys need to accept that each of these is a strong point for the systems. I do consider the Wii games to be kiddy for the most part as well, I also agree that the PS3 doesnt really have any fun games out for it right now, and finally I agree that the Xbox360 is kicking everyones arse for having the best game line up out of all the systems.

Once these kids are willing start accepting the truths of each system, the closer we can get to a civil and logical discussion. Till then im going to molest a gerbal or something.
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The PS3 is not the superior product...fancy graphics and a Bluray whatever don't make it better than any other thing. The fact is that more people want the Wii because they think its the best system. The reason is NOT because of price although you sony fanboys would love to think so. Its because it has great games, a great concept, and an overall image that anyone can play on it regardless of age or demographics. The $250 price tag is just an add on bonus that sweetens the deal. I care more about quality than quantity and price comes into consideration but does not overshadown my decision. Down the road I'll probably get a system from Microsoft whether it be the 360 or w/e new one they're developing right now. But only because they are putting out truly great games and the system contains all the things I need as a game and none of the crap I don't need.

Bottom line is that there are no selling points for the PS3 from a gaming standpoint.
Shiftfallout said:
Fanboys resort to saying dumb stuff like "i bet you never got laid, or your just a nerd" like Jeff up there... the 15 year old wonderboy. I could be like him and say the closest thing hes gotten to touching a woman is his wheel mouse, but i wont. he probably wouldnt get it anyway.

First of all, if you actually read my post, you'd realize it was a reply to your butt buddy Wii&PS3....

And your contradicting yourself, you call people stupid and morons and all that good stuff, just to make you feel better about the whole situation. How bout we stay on topic, we still wanna see what you look like.

I don't think i ever posted PS3 sucks or anything like that...... just about the exclusives lost?
A RAND0M TAC0 said:
First of all, if you actually read my post, you'd realize it was a reply to your butt buddy Wii&PS3....

So if i read your post, and even though you were responding to wiips3, i some how cant respond back? Ok. Im responding because i want to respond. I dont need your permission.

I don't think i ever posted PS3 sucks or anything like that...... just about the exclusives lost?

hmm lets see... how aboue "HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.... another sony exclusive lost". I believe that was your phrasing of the topic YOU created... case in point.
Shiftfallout said:
So if i read your post, and even though you were responding to wiips3, i some how cant respond back? Ok. Im responding because i want to respond. I dont need your permission.

hmm lets see... how aboue "HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.... another sony exclusive lost". I believe that was your phrasing of the topic YOU created... case in point.

you can respond, sure, but it wasn't directed towards you

never said the PS3 was a bad console, just saying, its funny how the exclusives are disappearing, even though Sony says they're not trying to keep them, which i don't understand :confused:
A RAND0M TAC0 said:
never said the PS3 was a bad console, just saying, its funny how the exclusives are disappearing, even though Sony says they're not trying to keep them, which i don't understand :confused:

How is a game going multiplatform funny? Its only funny if you dont like the sony, in which case you are laughing at thier misfortune (which is how you would see it if it were indeed funny to you). If you knew previously that sony wasnt trying to hold exclusives, why then would you find it funny?
Because Sony comes up with some excuses for things, like the consoles not being sold on the shelves. How can that be good. yes, they're shipping them out, they did a good job at that, but that doesn't mean that they sent out so many that everyone has one, it means the demand isn't what it was at launch.

I don't understand why they wouldn't want to hold on to exclusives, that's a factor when looking for a console, why get a PS3 when the 360 has the same games and is cheaper? The extras aren't going to sell the console, neither is home. It's all about the games.
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