PS3 or Wii

lol every time some one has bills and there are kids there all like"oh yeah yer know,it tough out there,gotta pay some bills,get the creditors off my ass. i dont have moommy and daady to bye my milky wilky.this is NOT posted for a cetain person,just to make a point.
i was playing ps3 at sony store and it takes forever to load! if u want good graphics get xbox 360!
wii!!!!!!!!!! foe life!!!!!!!!!!!! i just got a wii yesterday and ive been playin madden all day all night!!!!!!!!

swiper said:
i ask you how old you are cause earlier you talked about you wernt rich and still had money to save to buy both systems...ummm...i am not rich and i save money and i have bills do you?? or do you at home with mommy and daddy and have no bills so all your money can go to save.

Mortgage payment, insurance on house and car, taxes, 2 cell phones, and thats about it off the top of my head. I actually bought 3 playstations and a wii within a couple days of each other. All cash. I sold 2 of the ps3's and kept 1. I gave the wii to my dad, and my g/f bought me one. I dont own a credit card, and I pay cash for cars. Im working to have my house paid off within 4 years. Thats why I have money. when your ready to learn about money.
psychono2 said:
lol every time some one has bills and there are kids there all like"oh yeah yer know,it tough out there,gotta pay some bills,get the creditors off my ass. i dont have moommy and daady to bye my milky wilky.this is NOT posted for a cetain person,just to make a point.

Your posts make no sense at all. Proof read before you post something. Dont have 800 commas in each sentence. Its not rocket science. You learn to make a complete sentence in elementary school
billm0066 said:
The wii is great when you first get it, but it gets old pretty quick. I can say the wii will be a huge hit with kids, but the novelty will wear off with adults. It feels kinda like a redesigned gamecube with a flashy new remote. My money is on the ps3. If you liked the ps2, you will love the ps3. They have a ton of great games coming to it too. I would get both systems, because they are both alot of fun. If you have to choose one, then go with the ps3.
idk i think the wii is a hell of a lot more improved from the gamecube, while the ps3 has mainly 2 differences from the ps2.
billm0066 said:
Your posts make no sense at all. Proof read before you post something. Dont have 800 commas in each sentence. Its not rocket science. You learn to make a complete sentence in elementary school
ok here something easy for you to understand,if you don't like the way i type ignore it,or shut your mouth.

psychono2 said:
ok here something easy for you to understand,if you don't like the way i type ignore it,or shut your mouth.

Why not pick up a book, or pay attention in school? Im not trying to make fun of you. Im trying to help you.
Why do people join online forums to bash the main topic of the forum. I just remembered why I hate these things. They would be so much more beneficial to the users if more constructive criticisms were made.
Having just read through this entire thread I thought I would try to get it back on track and possibly raise some valid points.

Just in case anyone should care I am 27, Male and live in the UK.

I got a Wii on launch day (8 Dec over here in UK), just like I have got pretty much every other Nintendo console on launch day. Am I a Nintendo Fanboy as they are called? Well yeah I suppose I am in terms of being loyal to Nintendo but I am not gonna sit here and spout meaningless pro ninty or anti Sony stuff. and I must state that I have never ever played on a PS3 (bit difficult as not released til march) and to be honest don't think I have even seen one up and running.

Anyway, here goes.

Firstly I have to rant about the whole Nintendo are for children thing. Please stop this. It is not true. I wish someone would actually clarify what kiddie games are? Is Mario? Zelda? Metroid? the core of Nintendo's icons? If so please explain why. Is Elebits for children? Are simplistic graphics what make a game kiddie? I object to the kid thing, not cos I am 27 and therefore in denial. Admittedly I was like 8 when I first played Super Mario Bros and loved it, still do I suppose but to call say Mario 64 a children’s game, why? Is it because the theme is not mature - ie violence? This is daft? Surely the difficulty of a game has some measure of who it is designed for?

Lets take the Wii launch line up games. Wii Sports - children? Nooooo. All the Wii Sport games are essentially actually playing the sport as if you were out on the field, court, green etc. Playing golf is not considered childish is it? Wii Play - again, nothing in here could possibly be considered kiddie. Find Mii maybe? What so using your eyes to find things alike is for children? Why? It is actually reasonably tough on the later levels. Maybe the cow racing game could be called childish because shock horror you are riding a cow!!! No? Ok...Rayman - Childish. Cannot see why, pretty damn difficult and besides this is also on the PS2 so argument doesn't work. Twilight Princess - not an ounce of childishness (if you will allow the word) here...ok so no blood but sooooo it is a fantasy land, maybe they do not have blood...if you want to get pedantic that is.
Red Steel - swearing, people dying - again no blood but clearly not for kids. Happy feet and Cars etc - yes they are for children but then they are on every format and so once again the argument does not stand.

Trauma centre (sadly lacking over here!) a surgeon sim, not many children surgeons out there I believe.

Monkey Ball - now this has kids graphics if you choose to look at it like that, but as in previous monkey ball outings (which have appeared on other formats) this gets fiendishly difficult and I would be hard pressed to find a child that could complete it.

Actually lets break there and ask how old is a child? Up until 12 and then they are a teenager? Please enlighten me.

Also gamecube - resident evil 4 - not only not for kids but also the best resi ever on any system and possibly the best game graphically before the 360 and PS3 appeared.

And FF3 on the SNES (FF6 overall) has rather childish graphics and this is surely the best RPG ever? OK maybe 7 sold more and was on the PS1 but if 6 didn't exist, neither would 7 and 7 would have been Nintendo exclusive if Nintendo did not stay with cartridges, Square went to the obvious place but they are coming back with a vengeance (Dragon Quest 9 on the DS anyone?)

Hopefully someone will debunk my kiddie theory as I really must understand this constant basing of Nintendo. Fair do's Nintendo made pokemon which is for kids but then they also made an absolute fortune out of it through children (and the odd grown up) so they obviously know what they are doing.

Next I would like to talk about Sony.

Sony have been around forever, they were in negotiations with Nintendo to produce a cd add on to the SNES, this fell through and led to the birth of the PS1. Now the PS1 was like nothing we had seen. A CD based mainstream console with new exciting graphics and games like Tomb Raider, Resident Evil et al that were aimed at a more mature market. Sony went for the what, 14 - 25 market and got it. Sony had fantastic advertising and did exactly what it said it would and they took over, and rightly so.

The PS2 rolls around and I bought one purely for FFX (I got a PS purely for FF7), and to be honest I do not have a lot more. I am not a big FPS fan and driving games so nothing for me (except Mario kart, or fun ones, realistic driving o do every day of my life in reality so the need to do it on my chill time with a console kinda irks me, but each to their own) and it seems that every other game is an FPS or a driving sim or some war game or whatever and to be honest it is old.

It is very rare that a new game comes out and I think I must have that on launch day, rarer still is a non Nintendo game can come out that makes me feel like that. And this is what it is all about. The games. Again each to their own but there is definitely something extra with Nintendo games. Whether it is because I have been bought up with Mario etc and just get a feeling of nostalgia or something I do not know but Nintendo games really do stand out and this is evident in awards and the like and just generally through peoples comments and thoughts. I know they are amazing games from other companies but Nintendo win, this in itself is just a fact in the industry, Nintendo games across the board are just that extra special. People just need to play them. People look at a game and say no, it's for children and instantly dismiss it. Fair enough, you are the ones missing out but it angers me that people just dismiss things. People should not judge without experience.

As stated I do not like FPS's particularly, mainly cos they are somewhat samey, sure I played Doom, Goldeneye was great and I think the Bond licence helped there, Halo I am a fan off but again that was different with the vehicles, a good story line etc etc etc. And I have Red Steel. If Red Steel didn’t have the Wii controls it would be nothing other than a bog standard FPS, the fact that it does have the remote makes it different enough to be better than average. And this is where the Wii will shine.

I am not gonna buy Happy Feet on any system but if I ever rented it, I would rent on the Wii purely (at this stage) for the different way to play. Generic licences that get rehashed on every format are gonna go two ways on the wii, either the use of the remote will be tacked on and be a bit clumsy or it will make developers actually think and put some effort into it. A lot won't and fair enough but enough will I think to start making the difference on even bog standard move and the like games that otherwise I would not buy.

The Wii is different, the playstation 3 is the same. Granted the graphics are phenomenal but I will not start the gameplay over graphics debate, to be honest I cannot comprehend people that possibly want graphics over gameplay, but these are the Sony generation and in some respects the society of gamers that Sony created think like this because Sony made that the way to think. I know people will object to that statement but come on guys, Sony took over and shiny graphics and realistic looking cars is what they made the dominating presence in the market. Sony introduced a lot of new people into gaming and so that generation have had this mentality knocked into them and to be honest I understand that, but it saddens me slightly that it is the case.

The HD issue - a lot of people in the UK do not have HD TV's yet, it is like when DVD players first came out, not a lot happened until there was more demand and cheaper versions. I personally do not see the need to buy one yet as I have nothing HD to play on it so it really is not worth it. And please can someone tell me how good the PS3 graphics are on a regular TV? I honestly do not know and wondered how much of a leap forward they are without HD?

Blu Ray - This is far too new to comment on and personally I cannot see HD DVD or Blu Ray taking over form regular DVD for a long time. The fact that the PS3 has one is fantastic value as I believe the cheapest blu Ray payer is far more expensive than a PS3 so that is a plus.

Wii VC - Surely in this day and age of Retro gaming this is a feature that will serve the Wii well? I am hoping that this will bring a whole new generation of gamers to Nintendo and allow them to witness the classics (and not so classic) of Nintendo and Sega's history. This is a great feature and one I am already enjoying. I believe the PS3 is going to have something similar which is cool as backwards compatibility is I believe an issue with the playstation. Correct me if I am wrong.

The remote - As touched on in other parts of this now lengthy speech (!), this is just class. I know it already sounds trite but I cannot imagine playing a Zelda game without slashing with my remote and aiming to fire arrows, I cannot imagine playing monkey ball with an analogue stick, I cannot see how I will ever go back to menu screens I need to manoeuvre around without the pointer. It very quickly has become the norm for me and I will miss it on other machines. I was incredibly sceptical about the Wii as it was radically different but then I was also like that before the DS was launched and I was very wrong with the touch screen so have faith that Nintendo will keep me entertained with the wii.

And lets talk about the DS, and more specifically the DS versus the PSP. It is clear that the DS is winning this alleged war based on the sales figures. The DS sells lots lots more than the PSP and in Japan the multi format top ten is often filled with DS games. My opinion on why the DS is so popular is because of two things. New ways to play and fun. The PSP is literally what it is called; a portable playstation and as such why would I want one? I have a PS2 I do not need to carry it around, I do not f=need to watch UMDs on a tin tiny screen when I have a DVD player and surround sound set up with my 28 inch TV. If I need to watch movies out of the home I have my laptop. The PSP held no interest for me, sure it is a lovely looking thing but what does it do that I cannot get elsewhere? And here is my argument for the Wii vs PS3 - the PS3 is essentially a better looking PS2 - Sony has no real exclusive titles anymore and most games will be available on the xbox which now has a year head start worth of games anyway and so what is the point? Granted there are some games coming out exclusive that will be amazing but the are just too few. The wii is fun and again new ways to play. If anything this War should be compared to the DS PSP war as it is very similar. I hope that many people at least try the Wii because they will be pleasantly surprised. I not at all bothered if people dislike it (although I believe many sceptics will) and everyone can have an opinion but this petty bashing of Nintendo for no reason has to stop, as does the bashing of the Xbox because people hate Microsoft or Sony just because.

In closing the PS3 price tag may cause it problems, its late release date (over here at least) may also affect it....I know a lot of people with a PS1 and 2 who simply are not gonna get one for various reasons and it is through talking to my peers that I get most of my feelings from. Die hard Sony guys I know are not supporting the PS3 and this speaks volumes. Do I want Nintendo to win? Of course, they have been there for years for me, they are my history of console gaming and as such I owe them for the many years of great games and the like. But to be honest I don't think really the machines are comparable, Nintendo has seen the state of modern gaming, all guns and cars and death and has simply side stepped to another direction - not without it's share of guns and the like 0 they are not stupid - but simply back to what gaming was about 20 years ago, fun games, family games, different games. Nintendo started this console thing really and they held out against Sega, to dismiss them as useless is foolish and to compare them to Sega is also, Sega were losing money with the Dreamcast, Nintendo are making money on the Wii (whereas I believe the PS3's are being sold at a loss already) and regardless, the DS, the Gameboy and Pokemon are not going anywhere it seems and they are all Nintendo’s babies. Nintendo is here to stay and I believe the entire gaming industry and community should be thankful for it. Sony is obviously going no where but hopefully they will begin to understand that change is needed.
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