Ridley in Brawl.

TortillaChip520 said:
you could still scale it down to an appropriate size.
umm..... I'm not starting over this debate thingy... I said what I think and I repeated it 5 times... so... just read the past stuff for my thoughts please...
TortillaChip520 said:
you could still scale it down to an appropriate size.
To the point where it's not even him anymore. You can't make Ridley the size of Bowser. If ya did, it wouldn't be Ridley! It'll be some random baby dragon! Ridley is supposed to be BIG. I don't know why I have to keep saying that
Ridley would probably move similar to Meta Knight. Ridley would be pretty big on the board but not ridiculously big, nor small or awkward.
Vdogam3r said:
You know what?
I'm outta this arguement.
It's a dumb discussion.

Really, the size af a dragon is what this thread has become.

**Vdogam3r storms out of the room and slams the door**​

Should someone go after him?
You people are STILL going on about this?
Ridleyispossible- DONE!

Come on... It's not even an argument anymore. And since no one can argue against the 'size' thing...

Now everyone is just stating opinions.