Reasons people haven't come up with for why the PS3 is a failure.

MetroidFan said:
It's a failure because Sony relied on expensive equipment that doesn't manage to beat the Xbox 360. It's proven that many multi-console games actually look better on the 360 than the Ps3, as the Ps3 relies on bloom to much which actually takes AWAY from the quality. The expensive hardware also makes it more costly for developers to actually make games for it, so most of them stick with the 360 or Wii. Bluray is not the standard. As for why the Wii is kicking its ass, expense and lack of good games comes into question. The Wii may not have much either right at the moment but it's got a promising future. The Ps3 is dropping like a lead rock. Not only is the Wii outselling it VERY BADLY but Sony actually had to slow down production because of weak sales and low profit.

Any proof of Sony slowing down production, no because your talking absolute Rhino diarrarea. The Ps3 is selling steadly all over the world but Japan. It's only the 360s sales that have dropped considerably.
GamerCon said:



Never said it was. In fact, no one did. They arent using Blu-Ray for movies. If it fails in the movie side, it wont matter cause it will still be used for games.

Let me gues, your one of those "There pushing things on me" people, right? Well boo hoo. As far as i know they aren sayin "Its got a BD player, and only works with BD discs!!" Stop crying about BR, no ones forcing you to buy the movies.

I wanna see this. How can they expand on the Wii? Making it a DVD player? Adding music playback? Maybe even able to play movies off the SD card?

So in the future, it will be a lame PS3, thats cool. The PS3 can play emulators to, free.

No... no its not. Its been pretty steady actually. The 360, thats been dropping.

I dont care if the Wii is outselling it. That doesnt mean its better, unless you forgot that. I dont buy things off the TV ads cause its mostly crap but a lot of people do. Nintendo can drop the price, they can i swear. They dont though, cause when its sales start to take a nose dive, they want to have grabbed as much money as possible.

Once again, your getting ripped off, good for you! I can teach you about con 101, but i doubt you would get it.

Lemme say that I think this is a bit biased. I'ma sucker for PS3 an' all, but I really do like my Wii. Me and my friends have a lot of fun with it. Sure I feel a bit ripped off, but I have some faith in Nintendo. I'm looking back on the Gameube and I feel kinda glad I got one. It had some really good games on that I overlooked because I was so hyped about the PS2. Like Metroid Prime 1&2, Veiwtiful Joe1&2, Pikmin1&2, Battalion Wars, Luigi's Mansion, Tales of Symphonia, Killer 7, Animal Crossing, MGS: TS, Baten Kaitos, F-Zero GX(SPEEEEEEEDDD!!!!), Wind Waker, and Eternal Darkness. Thats my opinion on what GC games are great. I'm saying that I have faith in the Wii and that it'll have great games like these. So I don't feel ripped off. I bet I'm too nice to Ninty, but hey thats me.

On another note I'm looking forward to Killzone and MGS 4. :yesnod:
I dunno 'bout iPhone tho. :scared:
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I said "iPhone" cause right now, it just sucks. The web browser has limited capabilities, less than PSP. They are charging a shitload for little memory, 4gig memory stick is around 60 bucks.

Its not the best hardware. Its charging insanely for service plans. They are forcing you to use the touch screen and can only use apple products, which suck (of course i got games, whos up for some Warcraft?)

So if you want something to complain about being a pile of steaming horse ****, talk about the iPhone. PS3 has done nothing wrong.
GamerCon said:
I said "iPhone" cause right now, it just sucks. The web browser has limited capabilities, less than PSP. They are charging a shitload for little memory, 4gig memory stick is around 60 bucks.

Its not the best hardware. Its charging insanely for service plans. They are forcing you to use the touch screen and can only use apple products, which suck (of course i got games, whos up for some Warcraft?)

So if you want something to complain about being a pile of steaming horse ****, talk about the iPhone. PS3 has done nothing wrong.

PS3 has done nothing wrong regardless. Never said that, but wow the iPhone is ****. :lol:
actully the iphone has sold well

my brother has a iphone, and i use it times to time and its good

and ps3 all those fake websites that say all smack talk about ps3 are made by fanboys of wii/360

now i want someone from the top of their head to tell me whats wrong with ps3 without searching it up


ps3 dosnt over heat (it has ventelations fans hidden all over its body

Children children.....

Look it matters not whether PS3 is deemed a rip roaring sucess or not...
The Wii is not & probably will never really be in direct competition.
(I.e. will I buy one or the other...)

1. Wii has been deliberatly aimed by Nintendo at opening up new markets - Non gamers, older people, Familys etc... (who certanly wouldn't shell out over 600 bucks for a games system)

2. At the price Nintendo developed the Wii for who cares if PS3 is better, if you can afford the PS3 or Eggbox360 then you sure as hell can manage the couple of hundred bucks for a Wii and some games....
Omg! you need to look at heavenly sword I mean c'mon they could have done soooo much better with that, and what about 15-20 gameplay. Sony you deserve to be where you're at!!!!!
arcticreaver said:
N64 had probably a dozen good games it wasn't a complete failure like the gamecube though.

WTF are you talking about? The GameCube is NOT a failure, infact it's out-selling the Xbox 360 in Japan even now.
In Game Developer magazine they had a round table discussion among various game programmers about the next gen systems. They all chose the 360 hands down for it's easy to use programming, and ability to port to the PC. Think about it. You make a 360 game, it's almost no effort to port it to PC. You get two markets with the 360. It was disturbing to hear so many companies literally side with the 360 and nothing else. To them, the Wii and PS3 were #2 at best.
zeon9881 said:

ps3 dosnt over heat (it has ventelations fans hidden all over its body


No, but it does have other problems. Some PS3's often crash when trying to quit games and I know people who's PS3's have actually messed up due to too much folding at home. There are a few other problems with the console, but I'm sure I'm giving you a fair example here.
playstation 3 is a great console, 3 times as good as the xbox360, and its about even with the wii

resistence fall of man (for ps3) is one of the greatest games ever created in the history of video gaming, and the only thing the xbox360 does better than ps3 is connecting to the PC

the wii has the mario games and a cool controller, which makes it as good as the ps3