Realms 2: Rebirth of Evil (Official RP)

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  • #151
"Yes Great One." Vent said.
"Sir? Who're you speaking to?"
Vent turned around to see a soldier behind him, one of the many awaiting orders. The one closest to him had overheard him answer the Great One. However as only Vent can hear his voice, it had appeared that Vent had spoken to nobody, to the very air itself. "Nobody you need to concern yourself with. Now stand ready once Vibro arrives we leave."

"I'm here. Let us go."
They turned to see Vibro walking up, all his weapons and armor upon him. Vent waited a moment for him to reach him before giving a small nod. Vent waved his hand and then both himself and everyone present began to head down the tunnel.

(OOC: i have permission for the little bunnying i did)
Vibro walked along side General Nogeth.
"Sir, I can't wait for us to start the attack."

OoC: I gave permision to Shadow*91 to bunny my guy & permission to ShadwDemon to bunny my other one, since i'm not as active as I would like.
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Night walked up to it and put his hand against it, feeling the marks.
"It's too precise to be a wild animal... a sword or axe did this. But why...? Just vandalism?"

"Maybe...But it seems more deliberate...It could be a warning, or..." She shook her head, "I don't know. But if anything, it's probably a sign that we should hurry." She started to walk forward towards the broken grasslands in front of them, and in the distance she saw what looked like a line of soldiers surrounding the city. She quickly hurried back over to Night and Giles and said, "Hey...You might want to take a look at this..."
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Night sighed. As usual, this was going to be difficult.
"It looks like they're guarding the city... we'll be denied entrance, or at the very least searched, if we go in the direct route. I'd rather not have them see my mark, so any ideas?"
Caedus' eye caught a small group of wandering peoples at the edge of the grasslands. Caedus' mouth turned into a hideous sneer as he rallied his horse.

"Stay here until I return," he hissed at the other general nearest to him.

Caedus rode onward via horseback to greet the intruders. He rode to the group of three, looking as thugh they had trekked a great distance. Caedus raised a blade and pointed it down towards the group a good 5 feet away and bellowed in a deep, regal voice.

"State your business in Peace City, or feel the wrath of my blade!"
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Fringe stood still, then dropped both her pistols to the ground, and put her hands up before looking Caedus in the eye and saying, "...Just visiting...We had no idea that we weren't supposed to be here--"
Wait... I've seen that face before... Oh!
Night recognized it as Caedus Zamikios, the son of Richand and Siana. He had seen him once or twice from a distance when he was in towns, talking to the populace. He was a hero to the people, but an unmerciful one, and Night knew that if he saw the mark there would be no talking his way out of it. He pulled his cloak tighter around him.
"We're very sorry... we'll just be going now..."
Night took a step back and braced himself to run for it.
Caedus could smell the fear amongst the group. He motioned his hand and a few horsemen rode up and barracaded the group.

"We will escort you to the city. Resistance will end with termination. Comply and no harm will befall you, you have my word." Caedus said dryly.
Caedus could smell the fear amongst the group. He motioned his hand and a few horsemen rode up and barracaded the group.

"We will escort you to the city. Resistance will end with termination. Comply and no harm will befall you, you have my word." Caedus said dryly.

He gives us his word... but I know for a fact that my mark will close off all chances of reasonable discussion... I don't want to make enemies with Richand's son, but...
"Sorry, but that's not good enough."
Night shot a blast of darkness into the ground, creating another wall of impenetrable darkness.
Night grabbed Giles arm with one hand and Fringe's with another.
"Stay close, I can only do this once!"
Night concentrated all of his power into one point immediately in front of him, opening up a chasm of darkness. He rushed into it, taking Giles and Fringe along with him. For a moment, there was just total darkness, nothing save for the knowledge that there were two people beside him. The void began to fill with a terrible screeching noise, a sound born out of jealousy, hatred, death and despair. It filled Night's head with horrible images, pictures from long ago, his friends torn apart and piled at his feet.
In a split-second, it was over, light filling them, the thoughts and sounds mercifully gone. They were back near the sign in the woods, out of sight of Caedus and the other soldiers. Night collapsed, releasing his grip on Fringe and Giles, falling to his knees and shaking. He vomited onto the dirt road and remained on his knees, too weak to get up.
"S...sorry... that's the only way I knew how to... get away..."
Fringe stood shaking. Any doubts she had about Night's story were cast away. She took a step toward Night, then with a shiver she quickly turned toward the sign, "Night, are you able to walk? Do you...know how long you'll be like this...?"
She then walked over to Giles, finding herself unable to look at the shuddering mass of flesh and cloth on the ground, "We need to come up with a plan, and fast. By the looks of those troops we're in the middle of a fight...and both sides see us as their enemies..."
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The sudden blast of darkness caught Caedus and the other soldiers off guard. A few flew back from their horses, with said steads galloping into the distance. Caedus's face quickly turned to frustration as he realized he had been duped. He dismounted his horse, and walked to the site of the blast. he then noticed something. He got down on one knee and examined a piece of wood lying where the darkness had opened up. There was a strange mark on the wood and he did not recognize it. He grabbed the wood piece and got back on his stead, heading for the City.

He yelled as he rode back, "Prepare for battle! The Shadows are nigh!"
"Thank you." A couple healers did a slight bow before leaving the room. Seth stood up, completely healed, and took a look in the mirror by his bed. "My armor still needs fixing." He whispered a few words and the blood stained silver mended it holes, appearing as if it had never been broken. The blood stains remain... I will need new chain mail after this is all over. Seth headed out the door and headed up Valentine Tower, which stood behind the mansion that was both Valentine's former home and the current office of the city's leaders. As Seth walked up the staircase of the tower he let out a slight chuckle. "I always did curse Valentine's ego for these accursed stairs." As Seth reached the top he saw Oric was already here. "As you said, I have come. My wounds are healed and I plan to hopefully put a stop to the Shadows in this very fight.

His eyes still glued towards the grassy field bordering The Forest of Salfir, Oric spoke boldly. "Good, we will need you today. Seth, I want--" a glimmering spear tip streaking above the tall grass caused Oric's speech to end suddently. Caedus galloped back towards the city at full speed, "Prepare for battle! The Shadows are nigh!"

Oric stepped up onto the ramparts of Valentine tower and pulled out a large hollowed out horn. Filling his lungs with air, Oric aimed the bone-like instrument towards the front gates. It's sound echoed through the city, reaching the bottom of every well and the roof tops of every structure. The single toned melody sent a whole aray of events into motion. Archers raised their bows, swordsmen drew their weapons, and spellcasters readied their attacks. The whole city was alive with the nervous excitement of battle. They were ready.


Venator lead his strange looking collection of troops out of the darkness and into the piercing light of the morning sun. All of his followers were dirty, mud covered, part man, part beast monstrosities that moved in unison toward the forest's edge. The majority of fighters were Minotaurs, half bull, half man. Mixed in were strange orc-like creatures, some with claws or horns. A few soliders pocessed the heads of wolves, bears or birds and wings or tails were also common. The small force of around 25 had no uniform or symbol of alligence. Their only common trait was their agrovated facial expressions and pissed off demeanors. The army of beasts stopped abruptly just before leaving the cover of the forest and entering the open grasslands leading to Peace City. Venator waited for the second half of his attack force before charging into battle.
The men around Richand drew their weapons, their faces grim. Richand slowly slid Stargleam out of its' sheath and felt its' warmth, filling him up. The soldiers seemed emboldened by its' mere presence, their backs straightening and their eyes focused. Richand got into a fighting stance.
"This city will not fall!"
Siana had just stepped out of the Grand Peace City Library, clutching an old withered scroll. It contained information on the legend of the four orbs of Renit. The last time anyone had seen them was when Richand used them to defeat Storm, but Siana was working on a theory, that, if correct, might be able to help them. Just then, the alarm sounded. Realizing she was late, she cursed under her breath and touched her gauntlet. It began to glow with a red aura as she drew from her reserves of magic, containing the arcance power within the gauntlet. Snapping her fingers, two bolts of energy arced from the gauntlet and flew into her boots as she ran. Upon contact, they sparked and ignited, making two concentrated jets of flame. Siana sped along the ground, skating towards the edge of the city at an incredible speed.
"Hold on, I'm coming!"
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  • #164
"Reap through the ages." There was a flash of white light as Seth drew out his scythe. He stood gazing out over the city from the tower, able to notice anything that may come thier way. And now we wait. Renit's future may be decided by how we handle the Shadows this day.


Sela ran up to one of the gates, drawing her spear. A few soldiers glanced at her but left her alone. The mere fact she was within the walls told them she was an ally. She stood with them, at the ready for any attack.


Vent held up his hand, signalling for all the troops to stop. They were at the end of the tunnel, directly under Valentine's former home. "Now we wait for the sounds of battle to come ringing through this place. That is when we strike. That is when the world will know, Destry will return."

Venator lead his strange looking collection of troops out of the darkness and into the piercing light of the morning sun. All of his followers were dirty, mud covered, part man, part beast monstrosities that moved in unison toward the forest's edge. The majority of fighters were Minotaurs, half bull, half man. Mixed in were strange orc-like creatures, some with claws or horns. A few soliders pocessed the heads of wolves, bears or birds and wings or tails were also common. The small force of around 25 had no uniform or symbol of alligence. Their only common trait was their agrovated facial expressions and pissed off demeanors. The army of beasts stopped abruptly just before leaving the cover of the forest and entering the open grasslands leading to Peace City. Venator waited for the second half of his attack force before charging into battle.

Nero, Yamata, and Alicia walked up the hill with their army standing thirty strong of solders in heavy white armor, but what wwas unhuman about them was that the souls of the past Destrian solders were controling the suits of armor. ( Nero raised his hand to signal his troops to stop. He turned to the solders and yelled, "Destrian souls! Are you ready to take back what is rightfully ours?!"

All the solders raised their lances and gave a loud roar.

Yamata stood next to Nero on his right and Alicia stood at his left. Yamata took a step back and turned away from the crowd and out onto the battle field. "Finaly."

Alicia stood next to Yamata. "Nervous?"

Yamata looked at her and smiled. "Not even close."

Nero turned back around and raised his hand. "Are you two ready for the battle?"

Yamata and Alicia looked at him. They both said, "Yes sir."

"Good." Nero pointed his finger toward the city and yelled. "Charge!!....."