Realms 2: Rebirth of Evil (Official RP)

Caedus rounded to face the front gate. A wave of heavily suited soldiers were rushing out of the forest towards the city. Caedus smiled. He lifted his blade and then pointed towards the soldiers. In unison, every archer in the city let loose. A volley of arrows rained down upon the oncoming soldiers. They barely flinched as the arrows struck them. Caedus was puzzled, but his attuned senses allowed him to see that the soldiers were demonic spirits possessing the armor. Luckily, Caedus had prepared for something like this.

A line of spellcasters lined up behind him, readying their attacks. After a few moments, allowing the soldiers to get closer to the gates, Caedus muttered an incantation, and the spellcasters let loose with their spells in the form of a huge fireball. It struck in front of the possessed soldiers, blasting many of them apart and lifting a tall cloud of smog to block the battlefield from Caedus' view.


Forenz put the final nail into the wooden mass he had been working on all night. The wheels rolled as he pushed the massive goliath into the center of the city. He torked a few ropes and the wheels of the goliath began to spin. Inside were a large variety of explosive spices and gunpowder. He let the goliath loose out the western gate. The driver steered the goliath towards the center of the possessed souls of armor.

A massive fireball from the front gate encompassed most of the front attack lines, and the force caused the goliath to tip and fall onto the possessed souls. With a loud bang, the goliath exploded in a hellstorm of smog and fire, encompassing the rest of the soldiers in flame and debris.
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  • #167
"So far, so good. However..." Seth was monitering the battle, watching for any signs of weakness in the enemy to exploit, or in the city's forces that could be exploited. "That's one of the generals. I recognize that much. However where are the other three? Likely behind him to let the them guage our strength before attacking full force." Though if we assume that the other three generals are as strong as Vent then barely a handful will be able to stand up to them. This game of attrition they seem to be playing at... it'll be the downfall of one of us.

Seth rushed out of the tower and headed towards the front lines. As he did he noticed a new wave of soldiers, identical to the first. "Everybody get ready!"
Richand charged into the new line of soldiers, spinning his blade in a wide arc. The slash felled two and brought a third to its' knees, but more were coming. As Richand got ready to strike, he heard a creaking sound behind him and turned just in time to parry one of the soldiers he thought he had destroyed. Its left arm and most of its' left leg had been destroyed, but dark magic was seeping out of the opening, keeping the unnatural creature alive. Richand quickly changed his strategy as he parried a second blow and ducked to avoid a third. If destroying pieces wasn't enough...
A green, jagged aura flared around Richand's blade as he spun in a rapid circle, striking all six of the soldiers closing in on him. They stopped, shuddered, and melted into slag as the magic's corrosive touch kicked in.
"These things are just shells, which means they get the no-hold-barred attack!"
Siana skated onto the battlefield, leaping over the rows of archers and speeding towards Richand. As she did, she glimpsed three of what appeared to be the leaders behind the wave of troops.
As she passed Richand, she yelled, "I'll go after the leaders!" Nodding, Richand charged forward to lend cover. While the soldiers were distracted, Siana sped through the enemy line, parrying the odd attacks of the surprised creatures with shots of magic. Jumping and somersaulting through the air, she landed in front of the three generals, powering down her flame jets.
"This is you final warning! Surrender, or people are going to get hurt! Do you really want all of that death on your hands?"
Night looked around in bewilderment and shakily got to his feet. He felt weak and woozy, but held his ground.
"What... what is this place?"
Richand charged into the new line of soldiers, spinning his blade in a wide arc. The slash felled two and brought a third to its' knees, but more were coming. As Richand got ready to strike, he heard a creaking sound behind him and turned just in time to parry one of the soldiers he thought he had destroyed. Its left arm and most of its' left leg had been destroyed, but dark magic was seeping out of the opening, keeping the unnatural creature alive. Richand quickly changed his strategy as he parried a second blow and ducked to avoid a third. If destroying pieces wasn't enough...
A green, jagged aura flared around Richand's blade as he spun in a rapid circle, striking all six of the soldiers closing in on him. They stopped, shuddered, and melted into slag as the magic's corrosive touch kicked in.
"These things are just shells, which means they get the no-hold-barred attack!"
Siana skated onto the battlefield, leaping over the rows of archers and speeding towards Richand. As she did, she glimpsed three of what appeared to be the leaders behind the wave of troops.
As she passed Richand, she yelled, "I'll go after the leaders!" Nodding, Richand charged forward to lend cover. While the soldiers were distracted, Siana sped through the enemy line, parrying the odd attacks of the surprised creatures with shots of magic. Jumping and somersaulting through the air, she landed in front of the three generals, powering down her flame jets.
"This is you final warning! Surrender, or people are going to get hurt! Do you really want all of that death on your hands?"

(occ: i have premission from Inugami to control his character for now. just to let you all know.)

He laughed with a maniacal sound in his voice.

Yamata drew his swords and got in his battle stance.

"Why do you think we are here?" Nero said calming down. "We are here to take back what is rightfully ours." He raised his gun and aimed at Siana. "What are you going to do? Stop me?"

Yamata let out a little laugh.

"Yamata. Have some fun." Nero lowered his weapon.

"Yes sir." Yamata replied.

Nero looked toward Alicia. "Alicia, come with me."

"Yes General."

As Nero walked away, Alicia followed him, and left Yamata with Siana.
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Richand charged into the new line of soldiers, spinning his blade in a wide arc. The slash felled two and brought a third to its' knees, but more were coming. As Richand got ready to strike, he heard a creaking sound behind him and turned just in time to parry one of the soldiers he thought he had destroyed. Its left arm and most of its' left leg had been destroyed, but dark magic was seeping out of the opening, keeping the unnatural creature alive. Richand quickly changed his strategy as he parried a second blow and ducked to avoid a third. If destroying pieces wasn't enough...
A green, jagged aura flared around Richand's blade as he spun in a rapid circle, striking all six of the soldiers closing in on him. They stopped, shuddered, and melted into slag as the magic's corrosive touch kicked in.
"These things are just shells, which means they get the no-hold-barred attack!"
Siana skated onto the battlefield, leaping over the rows of archers and speeding towards Richand. As she did, she glimpsed three of what appeared to be the leaders behind the wave of troops.
As she passed Richand, she yelled, "I'll go after the leaders!" Nodding, Richand charged forward to lend cover. While the soldiers were distracted, Siana sped through the enemy line, parrying the odd attacks of the surprised creatures with shots of magic. Jumping and somersaulting through the air, she landed in front of the three generals, powering down her flame jets.
"This is you final warning! Surrender, or people are going to get hurt! Do you really want all of that death on your hands?"

(occ: i have premission from Inugami to control his character for now. just to let you all know.)

He laughed with a maniacal sound in his voice.

Yamata drew his swords and got in his battle stance.

"Why do you think we are here?" Nero said calming down. "We are here to take back what is rightfully ours." He raised his gun and aimed at Richand. "What are you going to do? Stop me?"

Yamata let out a little laugh.

"Yamata. Have some fun." Nero lowered his weapon.

"Yes sir." Yamata replied.

Nero looked toward Alicia. "Alicia, come with me."

"Yes General."

As Nero walked away, Alicia followed him, and left Yamata with Richand.

Just making sure you know, Siana was the one confronting them. Unless you meant that Yamata has engaged Richand and now Siana is near Alicia and Nero, in which case, my bad. Either way- Let's do this thing.
(occ: yeah sorry. Yamata is confronting Siana. i got your chacters mixed up. go ahead and make your move.)

Nero and Alicia were running alongside the suits of armor toward the building.

Yamata stood there ready for his opponent to make their move.
OOC: Please edit your earlier post so it's clear Yamata is fighting Siana.
"If you won't stop, then I have no choice but to stop you!"
Siana drew back and released two powerful, short range blasts of flame that spiraled toward Yamata.
Night felt the ground of the white void. It felt smoky, ephemeral. He heard a sound behind him. Spinning around and raising his staff, he saw a cloaked figure staring at him several feet away. Night took a step back and pointed.
"Who are you? What do you want?"
The figure merely raised it's gloved hand in a shushing motion and outstreched his arm.
"Come to me... come to me..."
There was a flash, and the three found themselves back in the woods. The sounds of battle could be heard.
What was that?
Fringe looked around in a panic, and in frustration cried, "Can we just stay in one place?!"

Suddenly forestry to the left of them was blown in all directions, the three held up their arms; yet Fringe felt a strange sensation that the wind was sweeping the debris around them. After what seemed like an eternity, the plants and rocks settled on the ground falling so slowly they might very well have been defying the laws of gravity. The unmistakable tang of strong magic lingered; vibrating in the air.
From all other directions gun shots, and clashing swords could be heard. She turned to Night and Giles, "...You guys seem like you've fought at least once before...Whereas I've only heard lectures...Now...What do we do...?"
Caedus gritted his teeth. He couldnt wait any longer. The passion of battle was making his blood boil. He had held the calvary long enough. It was time to arrive. He raised his blade, gleaming in he newborn suns light, and pointed to the battlefield.

"CHARGE!!!" he screeched.

The beat of the horse hooves on the ground created a steady drum backround for the battle. They raced onwards, following the scent of battle. Time seemed to slow for a moment before they clashed. And suddenly, they did. Blade met blade, armor, flesh, and bone as the opposing side attacked eachother. The disfigured faces of the beasts attacking them launched their attacks. Teeth met skin and bone, fist met face, hoove met skull as horses reared, and blood met the ground as it was spilled upon it.

Caedus utilized his strength and swung his powerful blade to the back of a minotaur. A loud cracking sound was heard as the minotaur folded backwards, its lifeless body colapsing on the field. Caedus licked his lips clean of the blood, and charged headon into the legions of creatures, tearing apart all he came across on horseback.


Forenz noticed the forces attacking another side of the city. He then noticed the north wall had been abandoned, its entire defense had gone into the battlefield. Forenz cursed under his breath.

"Damn you Caedus..."

forenz upped onto his stead on left his men, riding into the fray. He rode towards the hoard Caedus was fighting. He leapt high in the air from the back of his horse, his bow ready with three arrows. He somersaulted in the air, taking aim, and firing three shots at once. The three targets of said arrows hit the ground before Forenz's feet did. He then drew out a blade and smacked it against the shield of the closest attacker. A loud smack left a crack in the shield. He tried again, and nothing still.

He frowned. He took his sword and threw it into the neck of another nearby attacker. He then drew a spiked mace from his back sack and readied it. He swung backwards, then barreled down upon the blocking enemy. The shield buckled under Forenz's strength, and split in to as the mace's downward blow continued, meeting the skull of the bewildered Destrian Shadow.

Blod spilled onto the ground, and Forenz dived into the fray, swinging and breaking apart more and more of the opposition.
OOC: Please edit your earlier post so it's clear Yamata is fighting Siana.
"If you won't stop, then I have no choice but to stop you!"
Siana drew back and released two powerful, short range blasts of flame that spiraled toward Yamata.

Yamata blocked the attack with his one sword being pushed back with force, then he swung his second sword and a dark wave went toward Siana.


Nero and Alicia were fighting off the infantry of the ememy. Nero shooting and slashing anyone who stood in his way, and Alicia was dodging more than fighting, getting the other solders pissed then she slashed three solders with one quick movement.
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  • #178
"Damn that impatient child. He could doom us all!" Seth ran forward and stood at the gate watching the battle. Occasionally a soldier would break free and dash towards the city. Seth would strike them down without remorse.


Some bits of dirt fell from the ceiling as the ground rumbled and shook above the heads of the rest of the Destrian Shadows. A few soldiers moved but otherwise everyone was silent. Vent had gone over the plan with everyone not even five minutes ago. When he felt that the fighting reached its peak he would quietly blast open a hole above them into Valentine's secret armory. They would fike out, don what armor was needed and grab whatever weapons they wished. Then Vent himself would lead the charge out to slaughter anybody not aligned with Destry. If they ran, they were to be left alone for the story of a Shadow victory must be told. If they begged and pleaded for thier lives, they were to be slain. As Vent himself had put it, 'There is no mercy for worms.'
Venator charged into battle behind his main line and began firing a steady volley of arrows into the Drosin line. However for every hole Venator opened, it was quickly filled with fresh troops. He was out of his element, Venator was a tracker, an assain not a comander. His powers were useless in this situation and his weapons were not designed to fight a large force in the open. It was clear even to Venator that his men were being beaten back, out numbered and out fought. He looked into the city wondering if the plan had been unsucessful before drawing his machete and joining the hand to hand combat of the front lines.


Oric stood high above the battlefield from his perch a top Valentine Tower. Oric, noticing Caedus had abandoned his defensive position above the main gate, sprinted down onto the north wall. He picked up a flag of Drosin and waved it high above his head. The Crimson and Gold could be seen all across the battlefield and throughout the city and just as noticable was Oric's voice, loud and full of energy. "Spread out along the wall! Fill the holes! CAEDUS! PULL BACK! YOU FOOL, PULL BACK TO THE CITY!"

But it was too late, even Oric's words could not stop a battle between ruthless opponents. Oric was amazed that Caedus would even think to move his entire force out of a fortified city and into the open field. The Drosin king was forced to spread his line out to cover the whole city wall. Luckily the Shadows force was much smaller than his own and despite their poor tactics Oric's men were easily cutting the Destrains to pieces. He made a note to put Caedus in his place after this was all over when he heard a loud rumbling coming from behind him inside the city. Oric spun around drawing his spear and sent a squad of 10 men to investigate the strange noise.
Yamata blocked the attack with his one sword being pushed back with force, then he swung his second sword and a dark wave went toward Siana.

Siana let loose a small burst of flame, rocketing to the side of the dark wave as it whistled past harmlessly and shortening the gap between Yamata and herself. Pulling her arm back, she shot a homing bolt of lighting straight at the evil soldier.
Night pulled his cloak around his face and gripped his staff. He still felt incredibly weak, but he wasn't going to sit by and do nothing.
"I'm not going to let these terrorists overrun this city. If we attack now, we can catch them by surprise from the back."
Night thought to himself that as soon as that was done, they would have to leave. He couldn't afford to be spotted by Richand and Siana, he made that promise to himself years ago.