Realms 2: Rebirth of Evil (Official RP)

occ:sorry if I was confusing in my last post but i edited it to fit in better with the story.

Lucas wakes up inside a cave with animal remains every where and a camp fire in the middle flickering. I think it is time to see this group ive been hearing about so much. He had heared about a potential terroist organization that was liberating posts. He usually heared about it from pilgriming people walking on the paths to town to town. They also talked about a powerful man that leads this organization,saying things like he could be the next valentine. He would hijack these caravans and take their supplies. Time to go. There was a horse at the end of the cave that he hijacked from soldiers passing through. He hopped on it and rode off into the woods. He was tracking down the power Disturbance in the ground he had felt for awhile having a feeling that it is the people he was looking for. He has been tracking it for days while performing guerilla warfare on the way. He got to a spot were he felt a strong disturbance in the ground.

He got off his horse and put his ear to the ground. He could tell that it was hollow for he felt the emptiness in the ground. They are here. He stood back up and aimed his hand toward the ground. Time to meet my future. The ground started to rumble. His horse ran away in fear as a tunnel started forming and he slowly sank into the ground. He was standing on a floating chunk of flat rock going down as the tunnel was forming. the rock finally hit the ground in the secret passage.He stepped off and started following the disturbance he felt in the earth. Tunnel after tunnel he ran getting closer to the people he was looking for. After turning around the corner in the tunnel he heard sounds coming from farther down. He lookd down the tunnel and saw torch light with inlarged shadows of soldiers. He started treading closer toward the group of soldiers and then noticed a man who looked very high in power. He saw power emiting off of him. I have found him.

Lucas stuck to the side of the tunnel, staying in the shadows. He saw that they kept going straight. Good thing there was a tunnel there, now I can stay behind and check things out from a safe distance.
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Yamata blocked the attack with his one sword being pushed back with force, then he swung his second sword and a dark wave went toward Siana.

Siana let loose a small burst of flame, rocketing to the side of the dark wave as it whistled past harmlessly and shortening the gap between Yamata and herself. Pulling her arm back, she shot a homing bolt of lighting straight at the evil soldier.

Yamata grabbed one of his panther claws and sliced at Siana's arm before the lighting hit his chest. As the lighting made contact with his chest Yamata flew 50ft. and laid on his stomach. He then stood up looking at the damage of his chest. He saw that a large 1ft. in diameter burn mark on his chest. He smiled and started to laugh. "You're the first one to ever land an attack on me." He ran at Siana, slightly jumped over her and landed a blow on her back.


Nero and Alicia were getting closer with each enemy solder that they faced.

Nero just finished killing a solder when ten more started to surround him. "You guys are out of luck facing me." He grabbed the hilt of his sword and the blade started to glow. He pocketed his gun in the hoilster and placed his other hand on the hilt. He disappered for about a few seconds then reappered where he was standing before. The solders bodies slowly split apart and the body parts fell to the floor.

Alicia was fighting two solders at once. She killed one then she started to jump on the bodies of the standing solders and stabbed them as sh ewent by slightly laughing. She came up and stood next to Nero.

"Are we getting closer to the fortress General."

"Little by little we do." He turned to the building and saw that there was another wave of enemies coming their way. "Looks like we have more to fight Alicia."

"They look like they'll be fun to fight." She let out a small laugh.

"Then lets go." Nero grabbed his sword again and this time is started to glow black. He ran toward the wave of solders. Alicia followed right behind him.
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More soldiers were trying to make it to the city now. Seth cut down one with an upwards slash. His scythe's far reach was a great advatage against the numerous soldiers. Seth swung at a nearing soldier, decapitating him. Something isn't right. The Shadows must have more forces then this. And the way Vent spoke, they knew our force was here. So why would they try such a foolish direct attack? Seth didn't have much time to think about it as another group charged the gates.


Sela was spinning her spear above her head. A few soldiers around her. With a quick flick of her wrist, her spear buried itself in the head of the nearest soldier. Wigh a small tug she pulled it out and spun it around herself before stabbing it into a soldier on her right. No movement was wasted, each blow was carried by the momentum of the previous. Her attacks only got stronger as she continued.


Vent was slowly opening up a hole above them, Vibro using his sound manipulation to dull the noise. Finally the hole was finished. Vent gave a quick wave to the troops and they silently obeyed, climbing up the hole and into the secret armory. they quickly doned armor and grabbed new weapons. Vent and Vibro quickly followed but neither touched the supplies the soldiers eagerly grabbed. Vent waited for them to get in formation before speaking.

"Today, we break the spine of this corrupt world. They fight to destroy us, we fight to take back our homeland. They hold themselves the keepers of the world. But we will show them how wrong they are. Justice is governed by the strong. They denied Lord Valentine his divine justice and banished him to the void beyond. That was a mistake. They destroyed and disbanded our noble country. That too was a mistake. Today we mark the return ofour great country, Destry. Today we destroy the corrupt. Today, we shatter the hope of Renit! Now go! Take back your homes! Take back your land! Take back your country!"

The soldiers cheered as Vent finished his speech. He turned and blew open a hole in the wall. The soldiers rushed out and taking the Drosin men by surprise, began killing everyone that stood against them. Vent and Vibro drew thier swords and headed out to kill with the rest of them.

OOC: epic speech :)
Richand heard noises behind him. Spinning around, he saw smoke rising from the center of the city and instantly knew what had happened.
Richand blasted forward at top speed, slicing and dicing through his few remaining opponenents. He ran past the empty buildings, finally closed in on the breach of Destry soldiers. Leaping high into the air, he dashed down, and, making sure to use the blunt part of his blade, swung high, knocking out three soldiers in a single blow.
Before Oric's scouts even reach the armory its doors were blown open as Destrian troops flooded out. "Form up! Hold the line! Keep ranks! Archers ready, FIRE!" The remaining men up on the ramparts fired their weapons in unison. Although the Shadows had taken them by suprise, they put themselves in a very bad position. The main body of Oric's reserve troops were positioned in a large courtyard just inside the north gate and were covered by archers and spellcasters lining the walls above them.

The shadows burst into the courtyard and cut down a number of unsupecting soliders before Oric was able to organize them into lines. Just as the shadows force was at full stride and about to smash into the Drosin phalax, a volley of arrows struck their front lines dropping men and causing others to trip over their wounded allies. Drosin's front four lines were composed of spearmen all with large shields. The wall of shields stopped their attackers bluntly and pushed the unorganized Shadows back a few feet. At that moment the Drosin lines parted and javelin throwers lunged forward unleashing a deadly barrage of projectiles. The Destrian line was pushed back further as another volley of arrows smashed into their flank.

Quickly and fluently Drosin swordsmen from the back lines moved forward and began slicing into their scattered and unorganized opponents. Oric also joined the fray unsheathing Aquila. He gripped its black handle tightly, swinging it high above his head. Its crimson blade met flesh, leaving a trail of red as it sliced across a mens neck. The words Bellum Planto Pacis stood out in gold across the weapons blade as Oric dropped another opponent who stood in his way. The Drosin king continued forward side stepping an axe, and burried his sword into the back of the soliders unprotected head. In a spinning motion he pulled out the blade and blocked another strike from a tall lanky man. Oric dropped him to his knees with a shift kick to the knee and finished him by running his sword through the Shadow's chest. Although Oric's men were fighting well inside the city, more Destrians were flooding out of the armory. They needed the men outside of the city to commit if they were to win this fight.
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"Richand Zamikios, the cursed Avatar of Light. The Great One wants your death most of all." Vent calmly walked up to Richand, both his swords drawn. "So come. I'm sure you'll want to kill me. So why not try?" Vent swung both his swords at Richand, aiming to decapitate him from both sides.


"No!" Seth whipped his scythe over his head and took out a couple soldiers. The biggest question on Seth's mind wasn't how, but why didn't he anticipate it? It's exactly what he would have done if he were the Shadows. As Seth ran through soldiers, he continually asked himself that question until an explosion occured in front of him. Seth turned to see a man with a blood red blade charging him. He's another of the commanders. Seth quickly spun his scythe at the man but was parried.
"Seth Covull. General Nogeth has ordered your death."
"Did he now? And who're you to think you can?"
"I am General Vibro. And you will not escape." The two began launching attacks at each other at a furious pace, both being blocked or dodged.


Sela slammed her spear through another soldiers head when she noticed the soldiers in the city. She quickly turned to the Drosin soldiers nearby. "The city! They've gotten into the city!" Without waiting she ran back, cutting down any Shadow she came accross.
Caedus cursed under his breath as he heard the screams coming from behind the city walls. His gaze turned to see smoke rising from the center. He quickly kicked his horse and went back to the city, abandoning his troops to fight the remaining Destrian distraction. He leapt over the front line of ally Pikemen in front of the city gates and galloped onward into the courtyard where all the commotion seemed to be.

He quickly entered, and to his surprise, saw his father fighting. Blast... He was supposed to keep the northern wall up... Caedus cursed to himself. His face became an expression of fear as an impressive looking man whom he guessed was a General swinging both swords at Richands blind spot with no way to defend. Caedus ran forward in a blind rage and tackled the General to the floor before the blades sliced Richand's throat.


The gem glowed violently and boosted Vent's power wit the dark power of Valentine from the beyond.


"Arg.... I hate that brat!" Forenz bellowed as he blasted apart three more soldiers. He saw Caedus flooding back to the city. Forenz continued attacking, all of his men beating back the Destrian onslaught. Before too long, the Destrian Shadows on the outside were all but finished, with aonly the two generals remaining.

He saw Siana was fighting against one, so he approached the other, brandishing his blade.

"This is where you pay the price for your pointless banter..."

Forenz' quickdrew a small hand axe from his belt and flung it towards the Generals head.
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  • #188
"Get off me brat!" Vent kicked Caedus off and flipped back onto his feet. Vent took a moment to see who had tackled him. "Caedus Zamikios. I should expected the son to aid the father." Vent readied his blades. "Come. I can take both of you at once."

OOC: now's the perfect time for this.
this is my chosen theme for the Destrian Shadows
[ame=""]E for Extinction by Thousand Foot Krutch[/ame]
Stargleam seemed to glow brighter and more powerfully as the gem on Vent glowed more sinisterly, but Richand didn't notice, still thinking about the "Great One" comment. Pushing it from his mind for the moment, Richand bent his knees and focused his energy. He channelled the Zodiac elemental's power, stopping just before he would boost into his Constellation Richand form. Still, faint, fiery waves of light energy danced around him like an aura. He saw Caedus. Let's see if your training has paid off.
"Get ready!"
Richand dashed towards Vent, performing several lightning fast slashes.
Caedus unsheathed his own blade and swung in perfect unison with Richand, in a sideways arc that would remove Vents legs if he didnt get slashed by Richand first.


the gem glowed violently.

"Oh I dont think so..."

The gem released a horrible purple aura that made Vent a nexus of nuetralizatiuon. Anyone and anything using powers near him would be stripped of them and weakened while they remiained in the same room.
Lucas walked up to the hhole and jumped through. He saw the hole in the wall and the soldiers fighting. Now its my turn to help take back destry . He ushered a deep battle cry to chill souls and ran out with sword and shield. Krutane hungers for your flesh. Lucas started by forming a rock under him to catapult himself onto 2 enemy soldies. He crushed them under his heavy armour. A couple destry soldiers looked in confusion for this ferocious man who jumped out and killed 2 enemy soldiers.

He turned to the confused soldiers and told them to fight befor they would be executed for falling back and disobeying orders. They immediatly went back to fighting. Lucas went back to the killing of the enemy soldiers, roaring like a demon out of hell.

occ: Krutane is the name of his blade.
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  • #193
Vent stayed silent and parried each blow as it came. A small adjustment in his footing, a simple twist if his body, a flick of his wrist.; none of the blows could reach him. Finally he jumped back. Taking on both may be harder then I thought, especially under the Great One's 'special' orders. Vent took a quick breath before jumping back at them, first slashing at one before spinning his blades toward the other.


Seth slashed at Vibro's feet but he quickly jumped up and spun, landing behind him with a slash. Seth twisted his scythe ripping it through the stone and parried before both stepped back. So far, all this Vibro has shown is excellent swordsmanship. What are his abilities?
Seth gave a yell as he charged in slicing at his feet. Vibro ducked under and slashed at his head but Seth spun himself out of the way and kicked him flat in the chest, pushing him back a few feet. Vibro grunted from the force of the kick but kept himself standing.
Grinning, he raised his sword and held it in front of himself parallel to the ground. "You've already seen the basics of General Nogeth's powers. I believe you're trying to figure out mine. Instead I'll show you. I'll show you why the Shadows must be feared!" He slammed his sword on the ground, producing a loud ring. He held up his hand and the pendant on his neck glowed. Seth looked confused before suddenly dropping his scythe and covering his ears. All Seth heard was a deafening ring throughout his ears that blocked out all else and was causing him immense pain. He fell to his knees clutching his ears trying to block out the noise, as Vibro slowly walked up. "My power is the manipulation of sound. I can do things you've never even dreamed of. But why am I wasting these words on you? You can't even hear me speak."
Vibro raised up his blade but was suddenly pushes back by a wave of water. Seth let go of his ears as the noise stopped. He looked over to see Sela standing next to him. "Get up old timer. That kid said you're useful, so get up damnit!" Seth scowled and grabbed his scythe and stood.
"Since when was the ideal of respecting your elders lost?"
"Around the same time the war started. Now give me some back up." Sela charged forward, attacking Vibro as Seth followed suit and matching his blows with hers.
Lucas looked in the direction were he saw the man leaking the dark energy out of his body. There he is again. That must be the leader. Lucas ran toward the man but saw that he was fighting 2 people. They started swinging blows at him in unison. Lucas slammed the ground and made a wall of rock to block off the 2 opponets. He walked to Vibro side to introduce himself. "I am Lucas Alexander, only survivor of the super soldier project. I have the power to control the earth. I am here to fight for destry and the shadows. Let me prove my power and aid you in this fight."
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  • #195
Sela and Seth jumped back as the wall slammed between them and Vibro. Sela shot a quick look to Seth. "Who the hell did that?"

Vibro looked Lucas over for a moment. He looks strong. And his power seems just as mighty. I'll have to introduce him to General Nogeth after the battle. "Fine then. I am General Vibro. Prove yourself here and you will be given a high rank among our numbers. Now, remove this wall so that we can kill them."